Sunday, July 7, 2013

Mess of the Week

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I can't get off Wright Drive

Why code enforcement will not address these blighted properties is a mystery to us all. Slum and blight is an escalating problem in our city and the city commission wonders why developers won't touch the city with a ten foot pole. The politicos give us some song and dance that it is 20 more feet in our downtown that will make the difference. They are allowing more affordable housing including rentals--affordable means that eventually more slum and blight could come to our city. We hear about 20 new ordinances that have been passed in code that are there to supposedly protect us, but the city, in all four corners, has properties that look like this.

What has our City Commission done to prevent the decline of our city?...trips to Daytona Beach to learn how to cope? Will the citizens be getting a report from this expense involving Maxwell's beloved League of Cities? This Mess is in your District, Vice Mayor.


  1. I replied to another post with this same response:The Broken Window Theory:
    Broken windows theory proposes that crime is not necessarily caused by broken down neighborhoods, but that they become magnets for crime and delinquent behavior because of their disorganization. Residents may become more lax in their civility and criminals and other delinquents may then be drawn to these areas of lawlessness.

  2. Absolutely a true statement. Also what happens is that neighbors see people trashing their property and they seem to think it ok to to it too.

  3. They can try to Nudge YOU
    They can try to Push You
    They can try to Shove You

    But They Can NOT Force You

    Voluntary Compliance is VOLUNTARY!

    New Speak on a New piece of paper
    is No More than A WORD SALAD - Toss it! Don't mow your grass and Now You Are a CRIMINAL?

    12 Hour Roundup of Suspected CRIMINALS! "I don't give a sh*t what you see. Go get your ID. You see that?! It says POLICE." (

    The Sustainability Department is like a Barbie, All Boobs - Too Top heavy and MUST collect FINES and FEES to SUSTAIN THE DEPT. It Is A REVENUE GENERATOR and The Pig Feeds Itself. There is NO MONEY TO BE COLLECTED from these examples and unless the property is by TOD (Transportation Oriented Development) I have LOW EXPECTATIONS!

    Broken Window Theory works both ways, no? Law of Attraction, no?

    What is the People's Solution? When were they asked and NOT TOLD what will work?

    If Rep's have No Problem STEALING the People's VOTE - Stealing our houses will be easy! OBTW - Same Stuff happening the exact same way ALL over the USA! But these ARE THE PEOPLE'S Ideas you are told - Don't you remember being TOLD these were what You asked for?

    If our reps do not obey the law why would the citizens?

  4. People do not have the right to devalue my property by not taking care of their own. They do not have the right to disobey our ordinances and laws. We, as a city, however, must enforce our laws so that property values can rise and so that all of our residents can live in a CLEAN and safe environment. This is the responsibility of our government and so far, they all have failed us.

  5. I remember a few years back the city implemented a very aggressive code plan that included the police taking part on all calls. A couple of commissioners stated the plan was inhumane and stopped it before we could see any positive results. Since you are so in the know politically surely you remember who those 2 commissioners were. Right? Please inform us.

  6. Your memory needs to go a tad bit further, anonymous.

    This was all about KICKING OUT PEOPLE IN THE early evening hours by the PBSO making families, even with small children, HOMELESS. It WAS inhumane how it was handled. You don't think so, anonymous?
