Thursday, July 25, 2013

Loretta Sharpe - Florida Election Commission Notice of Hearing

Comment Up

Essentially what the below document says is that a hearing will be held on Case No. FEC 13-101 regarding Friends of the Gulfstream PAC and Loretta Sharpe, Chair. This will be heard on August 13, 2013 at 9:00am in Tallahassee.  Ms. Sharpe can attend the hearing with an attorney and has 5 minutes to reply. She may also provide a certified court reporter to record the hearing. If the Commission decides to accept the Consent Order, the case will be closed and become public and the fine paid by Cashier's Check, Money Order or from an attorney's Trust Account.


  1. This is great news. The city and the commission wouldn't do anything about it. Pussies.

  2. Congratulations Loretta, the queen of mean. Slimy politics might be rewarded with a fine. Of course, it won't shut you up about 6 story buildings and hotels and all of that au nauseum sneaky vicious routine of yours.

  3. Another lie is in your right hand column. "condoned by this commission" is definitely not the case. I only saw one commissioner actively supporting the "no" vote, one actively supporting the "yes" side and the other three staying out of it.

    Something tells me you won't be happy with whatever is decided by the Election Commission.

    That goes without saying because nothing make you happy, period.

  4. What will make me happy, anonymous, is you being fined and that RIGHT prevails all of the time, not just some of the time in LW politics and that those only interested in self interests move back from the table and permanently retire from public view.

    The city commission DID condone all of this by being silent on the banner, and now incorporating a hotel district with 65 feet, ignoring the vote. All 4 of them voted to do this.

  5. Thanks Lorretta for trying to make voters understand that the yes vote would affect the future of the Gulfstream Hotel property.

    When will Lake Worth wake up to the fact that Lake Worth has been taken over by these radicals: Earth First, TWACs, Anarchists, tree hugging environmentalist extremists and communists?

    Their goal is to keep Lake Worth "low rent", not "low rise" in any fashion that would bring us prosperity or a better quality of life.

    When Florida is seeing and will continue to see huge shifts in population, and transportation issues getting addressed to curb urban sprawl which will necessarily draw people to live closer to the coast, why is it a good idea to limit Lake Worth's ability to participate in that growth by discouraging development and redevelopment?

    I'm glad to see we have business people finally back on the commission that understand we will die a slow death if we keep going the anarchist route.

  6. Why did the city allow her to get away with this? Why wasn't she removed from the historic board for pulling this prank? What about Greg Rice? Why is he getting off the hook of public condemnation? The answer is simple. This commission did condone their actions loving every minute of it.

  7. Since I was there.... when your collective heads exploded, you called every imaginable entity to have the banner removed. They ALL did what was in their power to do. The owner was notified that he was not allowed to do that. The city public works, the code enforcement, the building department the city manager.

    They were not "pussies", however the whining from you guys sounded similar to cats in heat.

    I'm happy you keep this reminder up of just how unwilling to compromise you were/are on allowing sensible development on a total of 3 lots East of Federal.

  8. @9:29--
    The ONLY ANARCHISTS were Loretta, the commission and their supporters. let's get it straight and stop the lies.

    This city is not being taken over by the groups you mention but the ineffectual commission as well as code enforcement that has allowed the slum, blight and crime to persist and escalate.

    No one wants property values to deteriorate and no one has discouraged development. The entire city is open for development and has been for 100 years. If you stay to 45 feet in our downtown, it is highly welcomed. Thanks.

  9. anony at 9:38. Did you or did you not commit an illegal act? Did the commission allow this to stay up through an excuse of bureaucracy? I think that we all know the answers to those questions. Yes, we know. You are the only sensible and honest people who live in this city. Tell it to all the voters who didn't want this. They were the majority of the vote. You are not well thought of.

  10. Lynn,

    What is the actual complaint and what is being considered by the commission?

    How much is the fine?

    Thank you

  11. Laurel Deker filed the complaint?
    I'm shocked. Laurel Deker's the same person that claimed she's going to sue the commission for following the state law right?
    Yet another frivolous lawsuit filed by the know it all legal eagles. Shocked again.

  12. Did you notice it is Greg Rice's address that was used for this pac. We just don't want to bother the queen with messy notices.

  13. "Since I was there.... when your collective heads exploded, you called every imaginable entity to have the banner removed. They ALL did what was in their power to do."

    WHAT AN ABSOLUTE LOAD OF CRAP!! So when people saw AN ILLEGAL, lying , totally misleading BANNER on the Gulfstream , we weren't supposed to say anything? People actually had the nerve to complain, and YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO SAY "their heads were exploding"? If it had been the YES people that put the banner up,Pam Triolo,Scott Maxwell, Andy Amaroso ,John Szerdi and Mike Bornstein would have had the sheriffs dept, guns drawn ,down at the Gulfstream before dawn on Saturday morning ripping that banner down! You know that's exactly what would have happened. Pam Triolo would have tried to have the people responsible arrested and thrown in jail.
    The Commission LOVED this banner!!! They hid behind the law in order to keep from doing what they should have done, remove the banner. With the heights issue, again we have this corrupt commission hiding behind some B.S. law that doesn't apply and ignoring the will of the people.
    At the next election this issue will bite these crooks in the ass.BIG TIME . Have fun asking people to vote for you when you flushed their vote down the toilet.

  14. Even if they make the most remarkable decisions from the dais going forward, I will not be voting for any of them in the next election. I only hope that they have an opponent. Even if it is the weakest candidate in the world, he will have my vote. People out there, step up and run. You might be surprised and win the thing in spite of the money they are raising right now from corrupt interests.

  15. Just heard through the grapevine tonight that there is a new person in the ROLOH district that is going to run against Maxwell. YES!

  16. Why is the address for Ms sharpe is the Lucerne? Her house on South Palmway is in foreclosure or did she lose it already and have to move in with Greg?
