Sunday, July 28, 2013

Lake Worth Pier 1959

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The good ole days of summer--Photo sent to me by Paul Darst, riding shotgun in a 1958 Chevy impala while the Pier was under construction. Note--you could park facing the water. There were parking meters back in those days but I am not sure we had any at our beach.


  1. Wow. Imagine that, being able to sit in your car and look at the ocean! Thanks Cara Jennings and Rene Varella for F'ing that !!!My Mom can't walk that well, and I really hate the idea that she and other people with limited mobility can't see Jack $hit at this beach!!Katie Mcgiveron
    P.S. Oh but there's a playground on the ocean! That MAKES EVERYTHING A- O.K.

  2. I'm pissed off 2. I like to get my Burger King food and sit in my car at the beach eating my food. After I done, I drive up to trash can and throw garbage out, some times I miss but its close enough for someone to pick it up and put it in for me. I have a thyroid problem from my dads side of the family and thank god Walmart has scooters for me to use to do my shopping, thats taking care of people, not like Lake Worth, jerks!

  3. ! 12pm--You must be kidding us, right? You THROW your trash and hope it gets in the can? Take it home and dispose of it there. Thyroid or no Thyroid condition. I guess this is a joke. Do you ride up and down every alphabet street and throw trash there too? You're the culprit. We will come after you with a vengeance.
