Friday, July 19, 2013

Lake Worth City Commission

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  1. I can see your point. You won an election but the State of Florida which is controlled by a conservative, right wing government has decided to pass a law that takes your rights away as a voter. The new law passed by the Republican controlled government says you can't change land use regulations with a vote. You beef should not be with the commission but with the conservatives who took away your right to vote. Instead you blame the mayor and the commission for following the law. Not sure what you expected. They took an oath to do just that.

  2. No. What I think happened was, this commission relied on their employed city attorney to take that direction and ensure and make them feel very comfortable that it was legal before they spat in the faces of the voters.

    That being said, this commission, right now, could change the comp plan to reflect 45 feet. But they like the excuse for delaying the results for 3 months waiting for rick Scott to sign a law that was after the fact.

    Besides, this was a charter change and we are allowed to change our charter and the Republican legislature and Rick Scott have nothing to do with our charter election.

    We will see.

  3. Lake Worth politics reminds me of boxing match, we will punch the chit out of each other until one side wins... no matter how bloody the fight. Why can't we come to the middle of the ring and work things out for the benefit of the community. As long as we take positions, citizens will continue to get short changed. I would encourage all concerned to read Ury's book "Getting to Yes" and "Getting Past NO" I think we would learn a thing or to about negotiations and establishing a WIN-WIN position.

  4. They took an oath to serve the people. As far as I am concerned they didn't do that.

  5. Manny-haven't seen you lately--where have you been?

    We take positions because we all believe very strongly in how we want our government to function (democratically) and what is best for the city. It should not be about special interests. We always hope that elected officials will keep their word and improve code, and rid us of slum, blight and crime. It never happens.

    Some don't want the pool to open. Others are still bitching about the casino, its costs and its location. It just never ends. The city commission wants to rob the Simpkin Trust to keep our Library opened and don't worry that they are approving of an an immoral act.

    It is always about money, someone else's.

    If we don't take positions, ALL of us will be worse off for caving in and being sheple to corruption and interests that are not to the benefit of the overall residents.

    No one trusts this government other than the special people they serve. It isn't you and it sure is not me.

  6. hahah. Voters just get in our way. That's good, Lynn. made me laugh.

  7. this will probably not get posted but whatever. you and your buds bitched about the pool, but when the call went out to pitch in none of you showed up. cleanup a neighborhood. one of your crowd said not on my saturday. bitch about people who stand up is what you are best at.

  8. The commission took an oath that requires they uphold the law. If they are going to follow this new state law they should do the same with vacation rentals and enforce our 60 day law.

  9. @3:21--You are a LW jewel. You get out there and volunteer cleaning up other people's crap. Way to go. We are all proud of your commitment to LW while your voted in representatives let the communities go to slum. Tell them to all volunteer. Tell all your supporters to get out there with their gloves on. The problem with clean-ups, two weeks later or less it all looks just exactly the same as if you never did a damn thing. I am too busy making sure that my own property does not fall to blight. Some people get a calling to makes their soul feel good and maybe they will go to heaven or someplace special. No one "bitched" about the pool. So take your nasty remarks to that other blog because we can't thank you enough for all that you do. You do it with no thanks in mind--just that you are a very special person and we should all be like you otherwise we are all pieces of crap. Go see a shrink. Better yet, demand that everyone in the chamber get up and give you one big hand of gratitude. Make sure you invite the code department.

  10. We believe that the new state law is not applicable. We shall see. But I agree with you. The city commission needs to follow the 60 day rule.

  11. 4:04 rambling nonsense. attitudes like yours promote blight.

  12. 5:52. how do you figure I promote blight? This town is so full of geniuses and maladjusted know-it-alls who are just looking for a pat on the back and everyone telling them how wonderful they are because they picked up a beer can. Maybe you can be the next lw hero. The couple that lives across the street from me should clean up their yard and cut their damn grass. Should I do it for them?
