Friday, July 26, 2013

If they're not name calling, I guess we're not reporting it right

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Following is a post from some brave ANONYMOUS cyber attacker with my answers.

At least you claim it's your blog that: "the chair of pac will be contacting their attorney". That was a true statement.

You also posted "legal action will be brought against this commission". So who's starting rumors?  Show me where I said that!

You claim the negative no people are only involving themselves in reading depositions.  that's because the naysayers can't stand to read the truth about the "best commission ever" and who cost the working class taxpayers $2.6 million.  As said, it was this commission that settled with the flim flam man when he didn’t have a case. Can’t help that this commission is scared.

You can't argue the point that when Stanton was city manager she cut the code department to pacify Jennings and Golden. This is undisputable.  As proved at the time, she shifted 2 positions and cut the code officers by one. Now, city staff, once again, has decided that Code has not worked and they are revamping it to fit Stanton’s mold.

There are numerous frivolous lawsuits filed against the city. Who's filed them? You tell me…it is your frivolous charge.

How can a sworn legal deposition be a "distorted message"?  Again you twisted the intent…

There you go again wallowing in quicksand you obtuse silly revisionist bitter delusional person.  My late mother would disagree with you.


  1. No doubt in my mind. This is Wes Blackman. Are we not all lucky he never won an election? Obtuse and revisionist, two of his favorite words.

  2. Well, one thing for sure, if not the favorite revisionist blogger, it is someone who follows his political view. I'm more inclined to believe it is someone much more experienced and adept at "nasty" and likes to copy his words. We know his vocabulary is much more extensive than "revisionist" and "obtuse."

  3. Why do we have so many 5th graders posting on blogs?

  4. Lynn, thanks for all you do on your blog to expose the truth and inform the public on our city and leadership. It is too bad we do not have more people like you running our city. Our elected officials, CM, PBSO, Codes Dept. and leaders we have just are not doing an effective job for this city and its people. Thanks for keeping them on their toes and exposing the truth. I agree too, Wes and his website are hateful, lies, and evil spirited, thank God he never made it to the commission. We deserve better then his sensationalization and smearing. Thanks Lynn for all you do!

  5. That is all they do on that other blog. I stopped going there. Are they still lying their butts off?

  6. Lynn, I have been reading your blog for several years now and don't find you the lest bit silly. In fact, I find you very fair and level headed. What is Wes' problem?

  7. It's just politics, vicious at that. What you find is when someone can't debate a subject, they resort to name calling. It is typical. The problem is there is always a certain number of people who believe the lie. That is what is dangerous and that is what keeps me going. Those slurs don't really bother me because it shows their character and shows they are not to be trusted, not in this city. People can see what is fair and what is hitting below the belt of decency. We had a lot of that several years ago with Jim Stafford, a friend of the other blogger.

    Incidentally, someone tried to post here saying that Wes had won an election. Please tell us what election he won in LW.

  8. What is really sad is that I think Wes is serving on a board now or has in the past in this city and to have such an evil and vicious person who runs such a horrible blog in our city being on any respectable board or committee for this city and its people is really sad. His blog is mean spirited, hateful, and attacking, it really shows what a despicable human being he really is, I do not think our elected officials should allow a person of this low caliber to serve on any board in this city, I hate to judge him, but all of what he has done and continues to do speaks for itself, the man's actions and his blog are very vile, a reflection of such is not something we would want serving on any city board for the good citizens here.

  9. Keep up the good fight Lynn, little by little you are making a huge difference for all of us in this city. Thanks for caring so much and helping to make our city better. I wish the elected officials would do more of the same and listen to the people they represent.

  10. I read both blogs with some regularity. Wes does post some thought provoking threads but then doesn't seem to block any comments. Maybe he does, but I've never been blocked and have seen people who trash him get published on his own site. That could never happen here. Although I follow your rules, your's is a opinion blog...... your opinion. And often, if someone respectfully disagrees with you, their opinion, however how well articulated it is, does not see the light of day.

    I have never call you names and wouldn't. However, one of you recent subjects starts out with "Bozos".

    Unless there is some other universe out there where red fluffy hair and big shoes is a compliment, I guess those of us who agree that Lake Worth should continue allowing the same height buildings as we have since 1925 if they are in the proper location, belong in a circus.

    But that is not name calling, right?

  11. Respectfully, anonymous above, I am not here to discuss Wes Blackman. I will not post LIES here. Good for you that your comments get published. I would suppose that you are agreeing with him and in his mind they are not lies. We have different political philosophies and as such, disagree on most everything. I do allow some posts to slip through from time to time in order to comment on them. but most people seem to forget the policy and want to anonymously attack. If they would debate the topic rather than b e personally insulting, they would get by.

    Bozos on the bus--LOL. *I explained that. Is that the worst you can come up with? I have a lot more adjectives for those negative NO people.

    This blog may be opinion but it is supported by facts. A lot of research goes into writing this blog.
