Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Florida - Stand Your Ground Law is necessary

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Now there are crazies demonstrating at the Florida capitol building on Stand Your Ground. This group of 30 students want our Governor to discuss the state's self-defense laws and insist that he overturn Stand Your Ground. Black leaders want to boycott our State. Crazies are trying to take over and make our laws irrelevant. Even part-time Palm Beacher Rod Stewart has entered into the boycotting Florida "act."  All the 31 states that already have this law, watch out--Rod might bankrupt you too!. It's too bad though, I love his Stardust CD.

States that Already Have Stand Your Ground Laws

Alabama, Arizona, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, North Dakota, New Hampshire, Nevada, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.  Source:  Wikipedia

The State of Massachusetts' motto--they are confused...see below
States that have Stand Your Ground BILLS in Legislature Right NOW Are in BOLD; Others Listed Are Expected to Have Legislation Introduced (8)

  • Alaska
  • Illinois
  • Iowa
  • Massachusetts [UPDATE: This bill was defeated.] Mass needs to change its motto.
  • Nebraska
  • New York
  • Ohio
  • Virginia
Stats on Crime:
28,800 property crimes per day
 8,640 burglaries per day
 4,320 violent crimes per day
 2,460 grave assaults per day
 1,440 robberies per day
    720 forcible rapes per day
 20% of all homes will experience a break-in
 8,000 home invasions per day
See all the stats at


  1. We all have the right to defend ourselves. I think all progressive liberals should give up their weapons while the rest of us keep ours.

  2. Zimmerman was not acquitted on "Stand Your Ground" grounds, he was acquitted on Self Defense grounds.

    First poster makes some very good points as did O'Reilly on Monday's memo.

    Therefore, I must be a racist.
