Thursday, July 11, 2013

FL Congressman Jeff Miller on HB 1417

U.S. Rep. Jeff Miller, who represents much of the Florida Panhandle, on HR 1417--

“This common-sense measure would grant states and local law enforcement agencies the authority to enforce federal immigration laws, while also protecting communities from dangerous criminal aliens by making it more difficult for foreign nationals who pose a national security risk to enter the country and making it easier to deport those who are currently here. The bill also protects American taxpayers by ensuring that no immigration benefits can be provided to immigrants until all required background and security checks are completed, and it also allows Border Patrol agents to better do their job by prohibiting the Department of Interior and the Department of Agriculture from preventing these agents access to federal lands within 100 miles of the border.

Rather than looking to grant amnesty for millions of individuals who have broken our laws, thereby encouraging even more individuals to immigrate illegally in the future in hopes that they too will one day be granted amnesty, the SAFE Act would improve our internal immigration enforcement and prevent dangerous criminals from taking root in American communities.”

Read more... at Sunshine State News.

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