Saturday, July 13, 2013

Financial disclosures


Not all of our forty Florida State Senators are millionaires but we do have over 1/3rd of them with a net worth over one million. The average worth is at $4.4 million. Out of the eleven state senators who are millionaires, four of them are Democrats. Even Democrats have wealth which might surprise us all as they keep wanting to take wealth from the one percenters. Six state senators have not filed their reports with the Florida Commisison on ethics, one of whom is Jeff Clemens.

The U.S. political system is increasingly dominated by wealthy interests, and strong majorities of the public rightly believe that the deck is stacked against the average working class voter. We witness this in Lake Worth over and over again when elected officials stomp on the will of the people in order to support the special developer interests as happened recently in the heights referendum.

Sometimes if you are not well-off before you enter politics, you certainly acquire wealth along the way.

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