Sunday, July 21, 2013

Corruption? You haven't seen anything yet

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Election contribution laws have changed which will lead to more corruption. Now let's see the corruption really begin especially in Lake Worth--

Contributions, Limitations on the following:
  •  1. To a candidate for statewide office or for retention as a justice of the Supreme Court, $3,000. Candidates for the offices of Governor and Lieutenant Governor on the same ticket are considered a single candidate for the purpose of this section.
  •  2. To a candidate for retention as a judge of a district court of appeal; a candidate for legislative office; a candidate for multi-county office; a candidate for countywide office or in any election conducted on less than a countywide basis; or a candidate for county court judge or circuit judge, $1,000.
See the complete Florida rules that have been raised to $1,000 max in our local elections and an un-emancipated child under the age of 18 may now contribute $100 per election. What will they approve of next?  Fido the dog and Freddie the fish? I am a firm believer that money needs to be out of our election process and everyone running, candidate or PAC alike, have the same advantages and an even playing field when it comes to money in political campaigns.  Without that, money definitely and unequivocally corrupts the democratic process.

Evidence of money as well as moral corruption was in this last election held in Lake Worth on Heights when the No side of the vote designed, bought and paid for and had erected an illegal  banner on The Gulfstream Hotel as well as printed flyers stating "Vote No to really protect our low-rise cottage neighborhood." To them, and to some on their side, they thought it "funny," "cute" and "clever" and believe that all is fair in love, war and politics. It was nothing but dishonest. The election fine from Tallahassee on the banner was not stiff enough and the silence of this city government, along with staff, was loud and clear..."We want our freaking way!"

There is no doubt that money does corrupt elections and on the local level we have a constant problem with special interests giving the maximum contributions to those who support their interests, i.e., the Unions, Board of Realtors, the Chamber of Commerce, and of course, obsessed people who all approve of development anywhere and everywhere as the answer to our problems. Those who depend on the average grassroots voter can't raise enough money in order to oppose candidates who coddle special interests or their own personal interests such as advocating for the downtown of Lake Worth growing taller as example. Those who have involved themselves in only the greater good trying to protect our city, risk losing the vote or are voted out of office by a public inundated with negative campaign fliers full of lies from the well financed candidates.

This "fight" in Lake Worth has been going on for several decades. Many of the developer "players" are still voting here, are on city boards and now in office. Those with the most money take advantage of an apathetic or uninformed public and have the best chance to win. It has become more and more difficult to find well-qualified candidates who are not beholding to special interests or driven by their own personal power. It's a battle.

“Corruption is authority plus monopoly minus transparency.” And having lots of money is a big advantage.


  1. Lynn, Your quote "apathetic, and uninformed citizens" is really offensive. If I recall there were two different request for debates on the Height Issue to be held at the Playhouse, and both of them went unanswered. Is there a reason that the PAC was afraid to debate the Issue.

  2. It looks as if we will just have to say good bye to our small quaint downtown, the very thing that attracts people to it. the unsavory are in power.

  3. Anonymous at 9:16--
    It makes me especially happy that you are offended because TRUTH always offends you and I wouldn't be doing the job unless it did.

    The NO side of this argument had seven months or even more to turn this entire thing around. They were not winning the argument and instead resorted to LIES. They almost won it. Just a few more weeks of money and lies could have turned the vote results.

    They delayed the election date and did everything to divide this city even more. The latest thing they have pulled is beyond the point of no return for me. It is NO wonder that no one with any sort of ethics wants to run for office in this city.

    Not only did the Commission debate this from the dais, they had William Waters give neighborhood district meetings on the subject. The mayor even gave her State of the City address one night before the election in order to attempt to turn the tide. She was on her own radio show doing the same thing.
    Everyone knows, other than you I guess, that The Playhouse is nothing more than “showtime.” It is two factions, debating their side of issues. It is a farce of the first order. People only show up to see who’s going to screw up or who is the best speaker, who will misspeak so that the other side can run with the booboo. It’s a joke, anonymous.

    And the No's were and are a corrupt group.

  4. Debating the issue at the playhouse. What a joke that is. The Yes side of this issue had the good sense to stay out of the bulls*& arena and stay focused on their message which was to keep the city from growing taller. I sincerely hope they learned a lesson that you have to fight fire with fire.

  5. To answer the OBTUSE person who just tried to post here, this is all about democracy and the value of the vote in America--not money, lies and deceit.

  6. Have y'all read the depositions on Blackmans blog, holy carp, not good. I voted for those people the first time around, not the second.Wow!

  7. The "cutest" thing about you people is your POLITICS, your reading material and your character assassinations. I haven't read the depositions so I can't really comment on them, however, let's get the depositions from the people who caused the mess, Peter Willard and his flim flam gang. Maybe those in the same firm as our own outside counsel should have been under a deposition for drawing up the GB lease to begin with. Now that might be an interesting read.
