Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Constitutional erosion

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We continue to see the eroding of our Constitution by this administration.  The Founding Fathers firmly rejected a purely popular vote to elect the president because they wanted to balance the power of the larger states against the smaller.

The National Popular Vote effort, which could see only 14 states – those with the largest populations – decide the presidency for voters in all 50 states, is fully partnered with a George Soros-funded election group.

Click here to now see what these fat cat liberal socialists are doing.


  1. Why leave it alone - so Montana is not forced to live like NY - and NY is not forced to live like Montana. You have a choice to Move if you don't like it to somewhere different.

  2. Sorry - better explanation?

    Electoral college would be abolished is we had an open vote for president.
    The reason each state votes is so NY will never have more votes (Higher Population) than Montana and force them to do a "NY" thing like limit their dern soda's!

    Does that make better sense?

    Individual States - Individual Rights
