Monday, July 22, 2013

As the sun set behind the clouds

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  1. NononononononoNO. That's the silver lining of truth regarding the Greater Bay fiasco we're seeing now that the depositions of the BCE have been released. Nobody seemed to be able to remember anything about one of the most divisive chapters of recent LW history, that THEY ALL HAD A STICKY HAND IN... simply remarkable.

  2. It's such a pity that you have to rely on depositions as well as take the side of the flim flam man as truth. The truth is, this commission awarded the con artist $1.2 million who fleeced this city thanks to 4 people on the dais.

    P.S. Please don't use my blog for your propaganda. Much appreciated.

  3. The only remarkable thing is you posting on this blog @8:53. You try remembering exact dates years after the fact. Try it. It is a real sickness you have over there on that other blog that is full of itself. Evil. I came to comment on this photo and instead get your b.s.
