Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Wellington's Paul Schofield

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Tonight, Wellington has its city commission meeting. They will be discussing the firing of their city manager, Paul Schofield, who has run the city for the past 5 years. Apparently the item was too late to put on the Agenda and some commissioners are in a tissy about that. They are afraid that it will put the city in a bad light. NO BIGGY. They could follow Lake Worth's example--NO notice at all. In fact, Lake Worth commissioners can lie to a city manager's face and then fire on the spot. At least Wellington has some class.

Read more... at the Palm Beach Post.

Read a previous blog of mine on Schofield, Mr. Sunshine and Connecting the Dots


  1. ‘Class’ was in short supply when Paul Boyer was on board as city manager. Mr. Boyer was nearly in mid sentence when less than five seconds later he was gone. This was the most egregious act I had ever seen in a public meeting. I was embarrassed and ashamed for my city then and incredibly yet again when Susan Stanton was fired with almost the exact haste and an even more disrespectful manner. Both occasions were painful to witness. Not because of what was done but how. A sitting commission gets voted in wearing ‘their Sunday best’ and somehow with the passage of time the tatters in their character are indecently exposed.

  2. It is a hard call, all of it. Boyer and Stanton though both had their issues and did not treat most of the public well, the comm. in both cases got a lot of complaints from citizens on how these two CM's treated people, especially the public that pay their salaries. Many all say that the CM only reports to the comm., but they also report to all of us too, and they need to be respectful to the public and effective in dealing with day-to-day issues in the city and communities/neighborhoods, their reactive ways are what got them fired, it may have been harsh and abrupt, and maybe not professional, but they also didn't always act professionally to the public. In a way, what the past CM's did, came back to bite them in the butt. It is a lesson any future or all CM's need to learn in our city, state, country, world, kindness and responsiveness, attitude, it is everything, being reactive and unkind to the public who pay your salary will always comeback to haunt them, Mr. B our current CM needs to learn this too otherwise I do not think he will be around much longer either.

  3. Stanton was not a people person. but the difference in the two is this--She cut expenses, replenished reserves and got rid of the ineffectual employees who were getting a paycheck in this city for doing not much of anything or royally screwing up. She was turning the place around.

    Boyer, on the other had, started spending like it was no tomorrows. Between him and Baldwin, not sure who spent more...where did all the millions go? Also, it was Boyer's regime when our sewer customers stopped paying us. Stanton found out and tried to collect. By that point it was impossible--receipts were missing (just like the money) and accounting was a mess. It all got swept under the rug. When Baldwin left, he gave Laura Hannah a $50,000 raise.

  4. Oh Lynn, don't get me started on Laura Hannah! She was another real piece of work, God I am so glad she is gone, what a nasty lying pathetic person. We have had so many bad leaders in our city, will we ever get anyone who is effective, good to the citizens and can DO THE JOB? In twenty years we have had no one who has been worth a darn leading us.
