Sunday, June 16, 2013

Vandals destroy outdoor Church statue in Lake Worth

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Sacred Heart Catholic Church and School
The outdoor "state of the Sacred Heart"

Back in the early 60's and after the result of lawsuits, there were bans against the teaching of religion and religious practices in public schools. It was said that organized prayer in schools was a violation of the separation of church and state. It was decided that publicly funded schools were an extension of the state, and that organized prayer or bible readings were a form of proselytizing--thank you Madalyn Murray O'Hair. The bans not only banned mandatory prayer in schools but also banned the daily reading of bible passages. So, Catholic churches built more catholic schools, thus integrating religious education as the core subject within their curriculum and giving children the opportunity not only to say a prayer but be educated in religious values.

What is this world coming to? 50 years later, there are some who even believe that the sheer mention of the supreme being is inappropriate including saying the Pledge to the Flag or even wanting the name God taken off our currency. Muslims, however, are allowed to erect mosques and won the legal right to build  one two blocks from the Twin Towers. No one would think of defacing anything on a mosque. That would be politically incorrect for heaven's (Allāh's) sake.

A reader of this blog writes--Father Joe Papes (who just said the prayer at our May 21st city commission meeting) announced at Mass this morning that the outdoor state of the Sacred Heart that stood to the left of the front entrance to the church was destroyed by vandals overnight on Sunday, June 9. He said there's a video showing the act of vandalism, but that the quality is poor.

A report was filed with the PBSO. A short write-up was included in this week's church bulletin. "We don't know what their intentions were in doing this and I know you like me are saddened that this would occur; all we can do is pray through the Sacred Heart of Jesus that their hearts be converted," writes Father Joe.

He writes that he believes it will cost "well over $3,000" to replace the statue.

Sad....especially for a church that is struggling to support itself and maintain its school


  1. This is very sad news. I wonder why this has not been reported anywhere else. If it were a mosque, or a synagogue in South Florida that was desecrated, it would have been on CNN.

  2. believe in god but not churchs the churchs priest rape children

  3. remember the church is a man made institution of crime on children and money laundering

  4. Run for your lives! It's the jihad. Where's Glen Beck when you really need him.

  5. All the ugliness of our time, in this story and the three comments above. These commenters can't hold a candle to the average church-going Catholic. Their hearts have been blackened, their thoughts corrupted.

  6. Is that you, Wes? It seems you like to wag your fingers at others to cover up your own wicked deeds. Guys like you, about your age, have heart attacks every day. Better start thinking about the BIG THINGS before it's too late. And yeah, I read about priest abuse, too, and am sickened by it. But I also read about the Orthodox Jewish rabbis, who are guilty of the same sins at a much higher rate. Sin is everywhere. Turn away from it. And try going to church. Before its too late. Your heart is blackened over. I can see it in your eyes.

  7. Ok now, I too get caught up in the guessing game as to whom said what but let's not attribute vicious comments to any one person. Please!! We are getting to the level of that other blog when we do that. I don't think it's he.

  8. As someone who lives in this area, there has been a very large uptick in crime. PBSO is no where to be scene. Yes they will take a report but they won't investigate, nor are there any patrols. There have been break ins, bike thefts, property destruction (this statute and a series of mailboxes were destroyed). I assume all or most of this crime can be attributed to one group.

    I really wish PBSO would step it up, even when I call they don't respond for hours.
