Saturday, June 8, 2013

Vacation Rental folks will sue to get their way in Lake Worth

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It's bad enough when people come into our city and openly violate our laws and tell us to stick it. Now the vacation rental folks have an Advocacy Group. They also want to sue us if they can't do what they want. Not too friendly of a group. This is what they have to say--

Attorneys representing the city of Lake Worth, FL and a group of vacation rental owners are working together to determine the best method to regulate rentals. Lake Worth is being known as the BIG COMPROMISER

The city believes the current law prevents rentals of less than 60 days, while the owners believe that the regulation is unclear with regards to vacation rentals. The city and owners would prefer to find a compromise without legal action.
People who want their way ALWAYS THREATEN TO SUE.

Read the rest of their message to get their way and have commercial businesses in our residential neighborhoods..

What would work for me is for our officials to adhere to our laws and all people coming into our city do the same.


  1. let them try to sue---theyn want a fight give it to them--the city has gone to pot--pot holes and drug dealers and people who undermine the laws--if you want to get away with murder come to lake worthless

  2. Face it. Nothing will ever work for you.
    Why is it ok for you and your gang to file a frivolous lawsuits- the last one cost the city taxpayers $2.6 million but you have a big problem when anybody else sues?

  3. Face it. You don't know what you're talking about.
    Who is "my gang?"
    There has never been a frivolous law suit filed by anyone I know. Each one of them had merit--like the Greater Bay Suit.
    it was YOU AND YOUR GANG that awarded this flim flam artist $1.6 million to get it off the long legal suit table. STUPID MOVE.

  4. Carol Lewis and her gang are nothing but selfish carpetbaggers. They don't live next door to day rentals, but they want the rest of us to. So they can profit. Screw us and our city, they want to make money. And don't try to say it is not night by night rentals. Carol Lewis changed her websites to hide what she was and still is doing. If this Commission doesn't have the balls to protect their citizens, we need a Commission that will. The law is clear , Carol. Bring it . You and the rest of your puffed up smoke blowers will lose. Big time. I hope you all lose your properties to legal fees.

  5. No way. The city is scared chitless. They will settle with the carpetbaggers and the city attorney will convince this weak commission to agree.

  6. There would be real serious political repercussions if the commission did not uphold our codes. I have faith they have the resolve to do just that and hopefully level the playing field for the vacation rental owners by imposing the same commercial utility rates, taxes, license and permit fees that the LEGITIMATE B&B's have to pay. It is only fair!

    Mark A. Parrilla
