Friday, June 21, 2013

Trivia on the affordable rental project

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Affordable Housing Solutions, LLC bought this piece of property consisting of 3.3730 acres at the corner of Boutwell and Lake Worth Roads in February of this year. They paid $2,250,000, an astounding price when you consider that the last sale in April 2003 was $750,000. Just thirteen years ago the same property sold for $250,000.

So, the above leads me to believe that this company knew in February that they had the vote to proceed with affordable rentals. So, when someone supposedly in authority in this city can tell us that meeting with owners/developers/investors behind closed doors is legal and not subject to the Sunshine, then I say it can breed corruption.  No one spends that kind of money when there's risk, not in this economy and especially when half the city are rentals already.

We are known as the Corruption Capital of the Country for proved reasons and most had to do with development deals.


  1. The land was zoned for rentals when they purchased it. There was no way that anyone in this city could stop a rental project on that site. So there was no need to meet with any commissioner at any time. In fact they could have built a real crummy complex and there would have been little we could do to stop it.

  2. don't know about that all we know is that they came before the commission for a major amendment change. Doubt if they could have built a real crummy project. We do have design standards.
