Friday, June 14, 2013

Slum landlord won't clean up the mess

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It was not stated what part of Lake Worth this is but let's hope it is not in the city limits. People are being charged $1,000 a month for the most inhumane conditions.

Lake Worth residents living in feces, filth LAKE WORTH, Fla. -- A disgusting and filthy situation for some residents who say they're living with human feces, with no end in sight. Not only are their children playing in it, but it's also backing up in their bathtubs.

What's worse, every time someone calls the health department, residents say their landlord throws them out. CBS 12's Lynn Gordon reports.

See video

Video update when slum lord attacks CBS crew. 


  1. UNBELIEVABLE! Where are code enforcement and the teeth in local law to control this mess? Folks who take pride in their community are becoming a minority and it shows. I am so sick of those who come here and think it is acceptable to behave like this city is a third world county.

  2. The video showing the attack on News 12 reporters mentioned "here on Gulfstream Road". Map directions say Lake Worth Road, right onto South Congress Avenue North, turn left onto Dolan Road, turn left onto Gulfstream Road. It is about 4.8 miles from city hall.

  3. So this is the type of thing you STRESS about the most.(Mess of the week?, this is MESS of the CENTURY) You dont know where this happened? It's been shown on the news12 for a few days. PAY ATTENTION they said it
    Gulfstream Road...So it's not within the city limit.That shouldn't matter
    it's disgusting no matter where this happens!

  4. haven't been watching channel 12--missed out on this MESS. happy to know that you have been up on it though. MY BAD.

  5. The street was not mentioned in the original video.

  6. Why so testy at 5:41 am, a mess is a mess.

  7. nothing changed -time to go somewhere they maintain things

  8. The blight and deplorable conditions in our city has grown, it just is so bad again. Check out 204 North E Street, or 110 North D Street. We have so many slum owners in this city who probably could clean it up, but don't take the responsibility to do so. The 1306 boarded up blight is another example. We need to do more to address blight in this city, thanks Lynn, please stay on this topic until this city gets us cleaned up better, we cannot accept anymore mediocrity from any of these slum owners, we all deserve better.
