Sunday, June 23, 2013

Restore our Privacy Act

Comment Up

Someone asked me once, "Lynn, if you are such a conservative, how come you like Bernie Sanders... I am surprised."

I like him because he has instigated some bills that make sense. Being a conservative Democrat is placing yourself in the minority of the Party that is for sure.  Bernie Sanders introduced a bill (S-1168) on Friday that would put an end to open-ended court orders that have resulted in wholesale data mining by the NSA and FBI. Instead, the government would be required to provide reasonable suspicion to justify searches for each record or document that it wants to examine.

“We must give our intelligence and law enforcement agencies all of the tools that they need to combat terrorism but we must do so in a way that protects our freedom and respects the Constitution’s ban on unreasonable searches,” Sanders said.

Sign and restore the Privacy Act Petition


  1. Interesting Lynn, Lynn, do you ever think that the feds or FBI is reading your blog? Do they use the info. or maybe collect data from it to get people? Can they trace all your contributors whether anonymous or not? How safe are all our opinions on this blog and yours? Can any of us ever get in trouble for what we say here on this blog by our own government or can you if you show anti-government comments? It all makes me wonder????

  2. This blog is just a wee little fish in that big frying pan of fire. They won't be coming after me and especially some anonymous poster. Luckily we have a Constitution that allows free speech, unlike the vice mayor in LW who just doesn't want to hear it. However the bully blogger loves to cut and past things that I write or someone else says here trying to get attention on his blog and attract the haters in Lake Worth. LOL.

  3. Bernie Sanders is NOT a conservative democrat, Lynn. His bill is to protect the (our) liberties written into the constitution. Liberty . . . liberal. See the connection?! :) Laurel

  4. I know that, Laure. Every time there is a Democrat or two that gets it right.
