Thursday, June 27, 2013

Republicans bring Immigration S 744 over the top on cloture vote

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NumbersUSA says, today, 68 Senators cast votes that will be very difficult to ever redeem with future actions.

After all the promises of "enforcement first," these Senators accepted an entirely "amnesty first" bill that in the first few months would give work permits and legalization to some 11 million foreign citizens who either (a) crossed the border illegally, most of them by paying drug cartels and many of them by helping the cartels move drugs, or who (b) violated the promises on their vacation and guest visas and illegally took U.S. jobs (often through identity theft and fraud) and a share of the taxpayer-provided infrastructure.
Every single Democratic Senator voted YES to the amnesty and to the arguments of corporate lobbyists that a nation -- with 20 million Americans unable to find full-time jobs in a country plagued with labor shortages -- must give out 33 million new lifetime work permits to foreign citizens over the next decade. And these Republican Senators voted YES to the same provisions, breaking with the majority of their Party and all their Party leaders in the Senate:

Alexander (R-TN) Ayotte (R-NH) Chiesa (R-NJ) Collins (R-ME) Corker (R-TN) Flake (R-AZ) Graham (R-SC) Hatch (R-UT) Heller (R-NV) Hoeven (R-ND) Kirk (R-IL) McCain (R-AZ) Murkowski (R-AK) Rubio (R-FL)

Marco Rubio and Bill Nelson did not listen nor were they interested in the 19,000 signatures we presented to them against S 744 just a few weeks ago nor did they listen to their base.


  1. Both of you, it is not politically correct to use the word illegal when addressing the topic of undocumented citizens. Even channel 25 refrains from using that word... how about if you start putting the I word in the same category as the N word. Perhaps if we all work towards a common solution we would not have the problems we are faced with.

  2. Deal with it. Better yet, let's get rid of all these open border people along with all the illegals who have crossed our border illegally. That would be a start in the RIGHT direction. The "common solution," which is NO solution, just happened yesterday in the Senate. It is easier to allow all these illegals to become citizens than to deal with it under our Constitution and to enforce our laws that we have. Comprende?

  3. I don't think I've seen anyone rail on against legal immigrants. It is only people who have come here "illegally". Unfortunately, there are innocent victims, such as the very young children who through no fault of their own came with parents but are still here undocumented.

    I refrain from pointing to any group here in Lake Worth as illegal because there are so many immigrants who are here legally and this has been proven to me over and over again.

    The danger in generalization, lumping in all Hispanic looking people as "illegals" further alienates them and polarizes them against wanting to become American, even with a hyphen.

    As always, it is the children who suffer the most from actions of adults. The same Constitution you point to allows each and every person born here automatic citizenship, so most of the children you see are actually legal U S Citizens.

    This adds another layer of problems to the "just send them back" attitude.

    What kills me is the fact that so many illegal aliens actually break our laws here (serious ones) and still avoid deportation.

  4. The human trafficking is what has to stop, that is what is big business and likely big business is behind it all too. We get too hung up on terms and politically correctness Peter Pan, illegal entry individuals or undocumented, it is really all the same, the facts remain, address human trafficking and stop that first and then we will not have all these problems with illegal immigrants living in the USA.
