Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Rep. Dave Kerner, District 87

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Freshman Representative, Democrat Dave Kerner

Representative Dave Kerner is a former Lake Worth police officer and special prosecutor and now represents District 87.

Last night, all three of our state representatives who represent Lake Worth gave a legislative update:    Reprsentatives Lori Berman, Dave Kerner and Senator Jeff Clemens, all Democrats. Although the implication given for the defeat of certain bills was blamed on the Republicans, a few of the bills sponsored by Rep. Kerner passed. Rep. Kerner supported the ban on texting. He says, "I can tell you, the most frustrating thing for me when I was a police officer was seeing people driving careless while texting and not being able to do anything about it. Showing up to traffic crashes was even worse.  We had to do something. I'm glad this day is finally here."

A few major bills sponsored by Kerner that passed:

Massage Establishments--Bill 7005  Revises definition of term "board-approved massage school"; provides additional grounds for denial of license or disciplinary action; revises penalties; prohibits operation of massage establishment during specified times; provides exceptions; prohibits use of massage establishment as principal domicile unless establishment is zoned for residential use under local ordinance; provides penalties; declares that massage establishment operating in violation of specified statutes is nuisance that may be abated or enjoined
 Effective Date: October 1, 2013

Public Meetings/Criminal Justice Commission--HB361  Provides exemption from public meeting requirements for that portion of meeting of duly constituted criminal justice commission at which members of commission discuss active criminal intelligence information or active criminal investigative information currently being considered by, or which may foreseeably come before, commission; provides for future review & repeal of exemption; provides statement of public necessity.
Effective Date: July 1, 2013

Although Rep. Kerner did not mention this bill last night, it is one sponsored by him and important.
Termination of Parental Right--HB887  Provides that parent's rights may be terminated if court determines, by clear & convincing evidence, that child was conceived during unlawful sexual battery; creates presumption that termination of parental rights is in best interest of child if child was conceived as result of unlawful sexual battery; provides that petition to terminate parental rights may be filed at any time; provides for retroactive application.
Effective Date: July 1, 2013


  1. Nice to see a young man who is interested in the people first, not politics.

  2. We need ALL elected officials to listen to the public and vote based on what their constituents want, not what they want. This is the problem we have here in this city too. None of our current comm or mayor listen or vote based on what WE want. That is why I won't vote for incumbents. Clemens was the same way, he made a lot of empty promises(lies) to many of us. I am afraid our current comm is doing this too. They are in that position to serve the PEOPLE, they are supposed to be LISTENING TO US!

  3. Kerner appears to be doing a good job in tallahassee. Thanks for not featuring clemens.

  4. I have been very impressed with Kerner, and his background. He is a good public speaker, seems to understand the issues better than most, and most importantly, seems to actually care about doing the right thing. I believe his father was a Lake Worth police officer before the take over.
