Saturday, June 29, 2013

Recall Petition started for Marco Rubio

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Earlier in the week, we told you how Arizona has had it with Senators John McCain and Jeff Flake over their persistent push of the Senate’s amnesty bill and began petitions to recall them.
Well it looks like the people of Florida have had their fill of Senator Marco Rubio. A petition has been set up to recall the Florida Senator following his vote on Monday concerning the Senate’s amnesty bill.

The petition has already received 800 signatures at the time of this article. However, it should be noted that the petition is to be signed only by Florida residents, though many from other states have not only signed, but expressed their outrage along with their signature.

"Earlier in the week, we told you how Arizona has had it with Senators John McCain and Jeff Flake over their persistent push of the Senate’s amnesty bill and began petitions to recall them.
Well it looks like the people of Florida have had their fill of Senator Marco Rubio. A petition has been set up to recall the Florida Senator following his vote on Monday concerning the Senate’s amnesty bill.

The petition has already received 800 signatures at the time of this article. However, it should be noted that the petition is to be signed only by Florida residents, though many from other states have not only signed, but expressed their outrage along with their signature." Read more...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Marco Rubio for stepping up and recognizing the need for immigration reform.

    Lets hope there are Republicans in the House that are willing to support an immigration bill.
