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"You cannot flourish in our economy -- you
cannot flourish in our country -- if you are not proficient in
English. We're going to require that."
Sen Marco Rubio
Under current law, English proficiency is only required for citizenship, not permanent residency.
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How in the hell, Marco, are we going to enforce this?! It's real simple ,fool, CLOSE OUR BORDERS! That's all that we told you to do when WE THE PEOPLE sent you to Washington, Marco. CLOSE-THE-BORDERS. Arrogance claims another one. I hope you get challenged by a real conservative in the primaries Marco. We need someone that can tell Dick Durbin "hell no". Not someone who plays footsie with him under the table like you, Marco. Katie Mcgiveron
ReplyDeleteWell, let me tell you under current or past law, this is not enforced at all. There are so many Cubans here who all vote and all are citizens yet do not speak English, a lot of exceptions were made. Just go to the Senior Center on Lake Worth Road, 50% are Cubans or other Latins who vote yet do not speak English, so obviously this law is not enforced. Lynn, go there yourself, you will see. Old people are exempt from this it seems, or it is overlooked, our elected officials, even Marco Rubio count on these votes from his Latinos, he wants them too, he could care less if they speak English, he just wants their votes like many Dems also want. It is all a huge joke Lynn! Lynn, so many laws are broken today, so many voter laws, citizen laws, just look at the millions of illegal immigrants in this country, there are no laws or enforcement anymore of almost anything, very sad. What do you have to say about that!
ReplyDelete"Under current law, English proficiency is only required for citizenship, not permanent residency."
You must be a citizen to vote in any governmental election and bilingual ballot instructions are available for all elections.
ReplyDeleteOne can get along fine without being fluent in English in The United States of America, but it harder then it was because of blue collar manufacturing employment is not anymore here. Factory jobs many did not speak English, still we had middle class life, house, auto, holiday cabin in country, children in University, American dream.
ReplyDeleteToday one must have technical education and communicate with business world, not only English, learn German, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish to be success in world business.
Polish Chris
Too bad the U.S. didn't have the english speaking requirement when Marco Rubio's family came here. They would have been kicked out like Rubio wants to kick immigrants out now. How ironic.
ReplyDeleteWe have always had a requirement that immigrants learn and speak English. Cuba, however, has always been an exception because of our hatred of Castro. The wet foot/dry foot policy needs to END.