Friday, June 21, 2013

Poll Results on Ed Snowden

Is Ed Snowden a Hero or a Traitor--Poll Results

Hero of the 4th Amendment...28%
Dirty rotten traitor...46%
Julian Assange in disguise...6%
Love this guy...3%
Not sure...21%

1 comment:

  1. I voted "not sure". You'd think there is somewhere that you could take such egregious violations of our Constitution, the one we take an oath "to protect and defend from ALL enemies, foreign and domestic", that would proved you were a "hero" and not a scumbag for whistle blowing.

    But we don't. Had he tried to go through the proper channels to report abuses of our Constitution, he would have been court marshalled and never heard from again.

    It appears he has gone too far with info about the commies and now they have all that.

    So, I think his intentions started out noble, but has turned out to be one of the worst breaches of intel in our history.

    Don't you just love the smell of big government in the morning?
