Tuesday, June 25, 2013

McMow Art Glass in Lake Worth

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A sweet tribute to Shanon and McMow


  1. Yay, now lets attack her and all the successful people in Lake Worth, greedy, developer whores! "The Sins of Her Father", care to post that again?

  2. Go tell it to the PB Post. Actually, since you mentioned that blog, it was pretty interesting. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. Name all of the successful people. How do you measure "success?"

  4. Congratulations, anyway, it is nice, but her daughter is who nominated her, all an inside family thing, just a stupid title, certificate/plaque. Good for them. Not anything all that big of a deal. Wish they would stop trying to use their power and business to control things in the city and neighborhood and do more for the city and area. Maybe they can help pave some of those dirt roads in their NA area they are involved in or put in a few sidewalks for all the children of the immigrants that live in TRNA, do more for the poor, give back some too. That is real success when a business does this, awards really mean nothing and often times they are just a title or certificate. Real actions speak louder than words on a plaque. Give back and more to the community you serve and have your business in McMow!

  5. Success really is all about what one can do for others. It is not about all the monetary, material, or awards we can gain. It is about giving back and serving others. This is true success! Albert Einstein knew about this.

    "Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile." - Albert Einstein

    "Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." - Albert Einstein

    "How do you measure "success?""

  6. How in the heck does this business survive? People are having a hard time buying food, much less stained glass! Oh yeah, they do a big "export" business. LOL that's probably SOOOOO TRUE!! Shanon was behind the false campaign of lies against Commissioner Mcvoy. Remember the MAD SCIENTIST Mailings?People laughed so hard when they saw her handiwork, that they voted for Mcvoy. Good job Shanon!

  7. Why do some people expect for a business to give back to the community? What does this mean? Its not enough to create jobs, pay taxes, bills on time, keep up our properties, now we have to give back to the community, ya right.

    Also, if your hungry in America, you are doing something wrong, either on drugs, booze, just plain stupid, made bad decisions, having children at 17, ect. There is help out there.

  8. Lynn, everyone knows you do not like Shanon, which is why you do posts on her hoping to get negative response. 5:49 comments are beyond ridiculous, I mean pave roads, is not the hefty taxes they pay for that reason. 10:46 your comments are not worthy of response. 1:15 thank you for some sanity. McVoy watched a garage being built across from him. Talk about asleep at the wheel. Oh, I forgot about the business plan at the beach, oops.

  9. I posted the video because I thought it very nice. There was no other motive behind it just like there is no motive behind blogging about Milton's Open house. So, what you said was a figment of your imagination and really negative and unfair. I don't recall ever saying anything towards Shanon Materio that was untrue. I have, however, said plenty against the CRA which she was a member at one time in our city. I also told the truth about her BACPAC flyer as well as her opinion against Florida Hometown Democracy, an issue that I was supporting.

    Now, she is an elected official in WPB so I am sure that there are plenty of positives, more so than negatives, that would come from posting her video which is nicely done.

    That's all there is to it, anonymous. Read into stuff as you will and go write some fiction.
