Sunday, June 16, 2013

Lake Worth Pool - Neglected and Ignored?

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Chemicals are budgeted. What's going on?

Everyone should be outraged.
 We have millions invested in our Olympic Pool.
Is this just another excuse to keep it closed?


  1. This is willful neglect. This Commission has a lot to answer for. Hundreds of thousands spent to fix this pool when it didn't need to be fixed! The abuse is criminal. The lies surrounding this pool are monumental.I will be speaking to this at the next Commission meeting. Come join me, if anybody else out there even gives a damn. Katie Mcgiveron

  2. I rarely agree with your attacking approach and your flippant use of the words lie and liar. But in this case I think you are on point. In no way does city staff want the pool open. The mayor and commission are shooting for 15 hours a week for some grandstanding reason.Please do not fooled by this. The beach project will lose 3 to 500 thousand a year due to a faulty business plan. So we really cannot afford it unless we find funding. Maybe a close look at the cost of studies we never seem to implement, consultant fees, and legal fees would loosen up some dollars for the pool. Really bad not to keep the pool treated.

  3. I'm not outraged, all it takes is a couple gallons of shock treatment and its back to normal. I own a pool.

    Why maintain it if its not being used, it costs money to do so, why waste the cash?

  4. I use words to accurately depict the essence of the story. Sorry you don't like lie or liar. Do you think that those words are offensive and should be eliminated from the dictionary or just not used by me, anonymous at 11:54? I certainly am not being "flippant" when I use them.

  5. sorry, i meant katie at 11:49. she frequently has a good message, but her edgy and angry approach will never sway the powers that be.

  6. Sometimes it takes a passionate person to speak out and get something done or someone's attention. Katie posts, for the most part, under her own name. She is given credibility just for that alone.

  7. With all the Rain we had over the last 2weeks,and now the horrendous heat, it is NO wonder the pool is out of balance.

  8. The algae is on the bottom and sides. It needs to be brushed and vacuumed!

  9. A selfish lazy bum said : why maintain it, if it is not used! small children unable to swim, can be prevented from drowning, by teaching them to swim in our Citizens paid for pool for many years, water-aerobics were held, competitions can be held,schools' olympic swimmers training, elderly with stiff,arthritic joints, can relax those limbs by moving in water. We have 9000 seniors,who need aquatics. An unwilling band of employees who do not want to keep our pool open????

  10. How are the seniors going to grt to the pool? We no longer have the trolley, and if we did the Commission that approved the Casino Plan never included a Bus Stop, THAT is way Palm Tran no longer goes to the Beach.

  11. Wow, the one time is participate on this site I get called "a selfish lazy bum". "Small children"? Correct, children are small.

    All your reasons to open it are great, but its not open, so why bother maintaining it? The pool can be up and running in 24 hours even in the worse conditions. Is there a time in the near future when the pool will open? Does anybody know?

    Stay classy,
    selfish, lazy, bum, pool owner.

  12. Why maintain anything then under that reasoning? We maintain our property so that it won't further deteriorate, decay, fall to ruin, whatever name you want to call it. If you own assets, they need to be maintained. Have you ever noticed what most abandoned properties look like? Same reasoning here. In fact, it is the city's duty to maintain our assets and why we pay taxes.

  13. Another person who thinks he can say whatever he pleases about people...ugly comments to boot..just tried posting. His comment was deleted. But he asked
    "Why don't the both of you (Katie and me)combine all your past business successes and vast knowledge together and put forth a viable financial plan that would allow the city to open the poo"

    THE ANSWER: It's not our job. We actually have paid employees, planners, finance department, etc. who can come up with something, doncha think?

    oops, sorry, I forgot--you don't think.

  14. OUR pool is an absolute treasure and it is a crime to see it shuttered, especially when WE, the tax payors, spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to fix it. Get the pool up and running, our kids need swim lessons, adults enjoy lap swims, etc. And paint the building so it matches our beautiful casino.

    I hate to think something sinister is up, but I really think something sinister is up.
