Monday, June 3, 2013

Lake Worth Beach

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Drove over yesterday afternoon to see the surf. The place was jammed. Business looked brisk. Mulligans had music and it sounded great. Not a traffic employee in sight although one person said they saw one when they pulled up. At the decal parking area there was a car next to me that did not have a sticker. Until we start giving out a bunch of tickets, this will continue.


  1. This would be a great summer job for a college kid. The income from the tickets would more than pay the salary.

  2. The problem is that they just need to be consistent, be present, and ticket when people abuse parking, being consistent is key!

  3. Been there twice over the memorial day holiday, Both times tickets ticket tickets on the windows with a tall skinny guy with a huge hat just writing away and taking pictures!

    what time where you there? Did you scold anyone? LOL

  4. About 4pm on Sunday. Never scold...just inform in a smiling, friendly manner that they need to go to paid parking unless they have a resident decal sticker. :)

  5. Wow the parking division is great they doing an excellent job.

  6. John good idea. This development has to make money. Tickets are necessary.
