Monday, June 24, 2013

Illegals have invaded our country

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There is a big movement being started by Christians on leagalizing aliens in this country and those who enter in the future.  However, most pastors are against it--

Father Dominique Peridans opposes the notion that Christian charity justifies amnesty, by writing:
“If well-ordered charity begins at home, then the church ought to extend compassionate understanding to American citizens as they struggle with what amounts, in many ways, to an ‘invasion.’”


  1. The bigger problem is human trafficking, human trafficking needs to stop first.

  2. We all came from Africa at one time too. Are they all my blood brothers? You are going back 6 centuries for crying out loud. We could have given up during world War II and now be German. We could have allowed Japan to bomb the mainland and now be Japanese and we all could have slanted eyes. What in heck is that for an argument?

  3. None of this is an excuse. Two wrongs do not make it right though. We all need to choose loving and embracing instead of killing and hating.

    "We all came from Africa at one time too. Are they all my blood brothers? You are going back 6 centuries for crying out loud. We could have given up during world War II and now be German. We could have allowed Japan to bomb the mainland and now be Japanese and we all could have slanted eyes. What in heck is that for an argument?"
