Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Illegal aliens have brothels in Lake Worth

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Read about it-- brothels on South C  and E Streets. Why can't the Sheriff close these places down?   Can these people get Obama amnesty?


  1. Where's ICE? We will never get this city cleaned up. These people need to be deported but the women are back out on the streets. Why is that?

  2. We have been told often enough by left-wing liberals that there is NO SUCH THING AS AN ILLEGAL. :)

  3. Deport them immediately. Check to see what can be done against the landlord and make it public to deter further similar activity.

  4. This has been happening for 15-20 year the LWPD and PBSO knew about all of this, the houses just move from time to time to new addresses, the illegals pass around little slips of paper to the guys to let them know the new addresses, prostitutes are a big thing here with so many illegals mostly men needing sex, they are horny. It has been crazy here for years, the police do very little about it all over the past 15 years. Go to the corner of Lucerne and D Street any night around 12 or 1am, you have tons of people hanging there selling drugs or sex, but where are the police? Never around and they should have a sub-station there, it is wild, last night it was wild. The sad and funny thing is that all these people will probably be allowed to be citizens or residents someday, and we all have to put up with all these whore houses and wild behavior from all of them. Vote out Bradshaw and Silva and all the LW Comm, we need better leaders, the ones we have are not doing "the" job.

  5. For your information, in the US there is no such as an Illegal Alien, that is discriminatory and denigrating. Is like using the N word. So now, according to the powers to be in the US, you must address them as Undocumented, thus if you continue to call them illegal you may get sued for slander. Now put that in your pipe and smoke it.

  6. LOL. The way this country is headed, I wouldn't doubt anything. Thanks for your input. :)

  7. Illegal is NOT like the "N" word! Illegal describes what these people ARE -ILLEGALLY here in America.
