Sunday, June 2, 2013

HB 999 - Anti-environmental bill passes

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Gov. Rick Scott has signed HB 999, a bill so detested by a host of environmental groups that they brought in former Sen. Bob Graham to try in vain to stop it.

Scott’s action Thursday disappointed environmental advocates, but did not surprise them, said Estus Whitfield of the Florida Conservation Coalition. He predicted it might hurt Scott at the ballot box when he seeks re-election in 2014.

"It's a better bill than it was by eliminating those (fertilizer and wetlands) provisions and the other deletions that occurred along the process," former Senator bob Graham told The Florida Current. "But it's still in my judgment not advancing the public interest of protecting Florida's natural resources."

Jeff Clemens voted for HB 999 (all but one Florida Senator voted for this bill) and the Florida League of Cities supported it.

 Read more... at The Miami Herald on Florida's road to ruination. Politicians do a good job of this.

Read more here:


  1. Why should it hurt him at the ballot box? All the democrats voted against our environment.

  2. Lynn,Here we go again with the same annonomyous poster attacking people again. Any self-respecting person can stand behind the comments they make. Do unto others as you would have those do unto You.

  3. Public figures are free game. However, I have always said to please back up comments with facts. I believe that in most cases, the records of elected officials speak for themselves. Please post the same comment on the other bloggers site for a matter of fairness.

  4. It always seems like the politicians, rich, and big business do not really care about taking care of or protecting our environment, they care more about money and making more of it at the expense of others. We have that right here in Lake Worth, wealthy people who do not take care of the environment or our surroundings here in our city, keeping things blighted and boarded up making others living around these areas ugly, blighted, and crime invested for the rest of us. They don't follow the, "Do unto others as you would have those do unto You." It is all about taking and making more money not thinking about their neighbors or brothers, leaving our environment and community uncared for, blighted, and abused. Yet we continue to accept their mediocrity, this bill is another example, along with all the rich that abuse their power to exploit our environment at the expense of the people who ALSO live here. I can see why so many people are disappointed with elected officials, the wealthy, and big business nowadays.

  5. Wow, can you believe this bill and all of them signing it, not thinking about our environment here in Florida? How can we RESPECT any of these politicians? If they want respect, they have to EARN it by voting for US! How can any "self-respecting person" not call these ineffective politicians and big business on all of this overlook of our environment here, what a sin? Vote them all out and hold them to the grindstone! We all have a voice, we need to use it to effect change and make out environment better.

  6. Lynn, why would anyone want to even visit or go to that other site/blog? Many of us have stopped going there for years now. The bullying and the way they attack, they are for the rich, ineffective politicians, and big business, they say evil things about you, Suzanne, Cara, and so many, talk about "attacking people." They are Evil Spirited and not caring about a better Lake Worth for all of us. We deserve better, we care and want a great city, your blog is an example of this, one that cares and wants and makes Lake Worth a better city. Thanks for all you do for this great little city by the sea.

    "Please post the same comment on the other bloggers site for a matter of fairness."

  7. Right, Scott is republican and Clemens is democrat, but both could care less about our environment, most people now seem to realize the NPA is what they best associated themselves with---who wants to be associated with either the dems or repubs, both stink, they are not taking care of our city, state, or country very well. Our environment, safety, and quality of life is jeopardized by both parties unfortunately.

  8. Lynn, no one ever wants you to judge them or others, but the same people can judge everyone else, other politicians, so called leaders, prominent figures in society, or even their neighbors. God forbid someone disagrees, are we all not hypocrites? Is it OK to accept are poor ineffective politicians and just let them continue without us speaking out?

    Gee Lynn, maybe you need to stop allowing anonymous postings on your blog? That way you can stop anonymous posters attacking people since you wouldn't want such non self-respecting person who can't stand behind the comments they make. This bill, these politicians, and all the hypocrites, they all drive me crazy.

    "lynn anderson said...
    Public figures are free game. However, I have always said to please back up comments with facts. I believe that in most cases, the records of elected officials speak for themselves. Please post the same comment on the other bloggers site for a matter of fairness.

    June 2, 2013 at 10:34 AM"

  9. Blogging is all about comments. When one decides to stifle, 100%, free speech, there is no reason to write a blog. You are then talking to yourself. Even if anonymous is discontinued, most people commenting with a name would not be recognizable to me or someone could use someone anyone's name. You, posting as Mike, as an example, might just as well be anonymous. People should, however, be civil. This city is the worst for that...they kick people when they are down and stomp on their heads or kick them for sport. It started in this city years ago with Lake WorthTalk and it continues today...some of the same people.

  10. It is too bad that other guy, Mack, couldn't have won against Clemens when they ran for that senate spot. But there was some weird corruption that happened, it seemed to be caused by Clemens, since all parties and NPA should have been able to vote in the primaries, but we were not allowed to since they said there was a repub. candidate or something like that, but then there didn't end up being one a repub. cand. If all NPA could have voted in the primary, I think Mack would have beat Clemens in the primary and would have won in the main election, I think Mack would have been better for the people and Florida. Clemens seems very corrupt, siding with big business and not the interest of the people or our environment, I hope the public will wise up.

  11. Lynn, FYI, I love your dog image and the quote above about the bully blogger on your sidebar of your blog and the other quote about "promising to personally attack everyone with a functioning cerebral cortex," so funny, yes, so many like to attack others, trying to stifle others and their beliefs, like they are the only ones that are right. You are great, what a great sense of humor. We need to stop with all these bullies who want to the run the city the way they do, doing what they want and getting away with it. Not thinking about all of us as a whole in the city.

    "we don't give a hoot
    whether citizens are old, young, intelligent, straight, gay or transgendered, I discriminate equally and hold all up to ridicule and condemnation if my fellow neighbors don't agree with my superior understandings on just about everything.
    Love from,
    The Bully Blogger
    (that other guy Less)"
