Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Free cars to the youth?

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Breitbart News has learned there is a provision included in the immigration bill that could be used to give free cars, motorcycles, scooters or other vehicles to young people around the country over a period of 15 months after the bill passes.  The new provision is a result of the latest addition to the Corker-Hoeven amendment, which is essentially an entirely new version of the bill.


  1. those who allowed Benghazi/IRs/Boston/NSA/Assoc Press gate b.Hussein Obama to take the white House, made this happen.He was indoctrinatinated with Communism by his kenyan Muslim Father,with Campaign slogan FORWARD, and is now implementing all Communist underming methods.
    America has grounds for his IMPEACHMENT,.Those who stayed home and let election be given for color can correct this disaster!

  2. Financing the pool funtioning:
    Mr.McNamara explains that the solution is simple:
    Open the pool to the public,for teaching little children swimming ,elderly aquatic aerobics, olympic swimmers training, etc etc. all will aprk their cars for hours and generate hundreds of thousands, millions eventuallt and pay for keeping Lake Worth Taxpayers paid for swimming pool on Palm Beach Island. Employees unwilling, fire them now!Hundreds will line up for those jobs!!!!
    Do not lose another day of unneceassary revenue for our General Fund..Mr. McNmara, has always been good for Lake Worth, respected as a moral gentleman.
