Monday, June 24, 2013

Edward Snowden

The Empty Seat

With his passport annulled, Snowden is doing a lot of traveling lately-- Hong Kong and then to Russia, and is awaiting word from Ecuador.  He failed to board a flight to Cuba today and rumor has it that Russia might hand him over to us afterall.  Julian Assange is living in the  Ecuadorian Embassy in London after committing acts against the interests of the United States of America.

All amounts in U.S. dollars. Numbers are estimates, usually based on the closest year for which data are available.

All Grant Aid to Ecuador, All Programs, 2009-2014


TOTAL:  $257,122,844

Hopefully Russia will turn him over to us and we won't have to consider Ecuador  even contemplating accepting Edward Snowden. What's with Ecuador? Was it because we decreased our foreign aid?

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