Monday, June 3, 2013

Crime in Lake Worth

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Today, Crime reported 22 new crimes within a 2 mile radius of where I live. From a shooting, assault, burglary, vandalism, you name it, I urge all of you to go to their web site and get reports to find out the truth about crime in our city, something no one is talking about.

We need stable neighborhoods and safe city streets.


  1. Thanks Lynn for this tool. Wow, this is horrible, I live right in dwtn and mine shows 40 crimes within 1 mile and 87 within 2 miles, this is way too much crime in our city. What do the city leaders and PBSO have to say for themselves with all this crime? Why aren't they present more? A lot of crime can be prevented if the PBSO were present more and better. What do they have to say for this in their defense?

  2. I NEVER see a sheriff vehicle

  3. I used to see a lot of the old LWPD but live near there, I used to see a lot of the PBSO when they first took over LW policing, but now it seems that PBSO patrols have diminished and almost never see police as much, especially in the hood where they need to be, to address the prostitution, drug dealing, and drunken and disorderly foreigners we have here. The Guatemalans seem to drink a lot and get drunk and then fight or stab each other they also use prostitutes a lot and the police used to have to close down the whore houses with all these horny single men we have here. Crime just seems crazy again, way too much, where are the police we need more police presence within a one mile radius of the downtown area.

  4. I saw a citizens on patrol car cruising the Lake Worth beach, checking out all those young things in bikinis.

  5. Lynn, THIS IS THE PROBLEM, the police are hanging at the beach, in the inter-coastal parks, or golf course instead of in our ghettos, which keep getting worse due to their lack of presence in the crime infested blighted areas of the city. It seems it is just easier to stay away, it is too much work for them to deal with all the problems we have here, call them in after someone is shot, stabbed, robbed, or killed. Crime prevention from our own PBSO policing is a joke, they need to be present more in the bad areas of our city, period if they want to bring down the crime rates here.

    "I saw a citizens on patrol car cruising the Lake Worth beach, checking out all those young things in bikinis."

  6. No wonder Lantana blocked off that road.

  7. LW needs a good house cleaning otherwise NOTHING will change. I really dont ever see that happening. It would be nice if LW could get a little counseling from Sheriff Joe Arpaio

  8. mAybe carol lewis and those other 49 law breakers will change their minds with all of this crime exposed.

  9. Do you know Lynn if the PBSO or city use this tool? It seems like it would be a good way of tracking strategically the crime in sectors and then be able to put more policing in the areas that have a lot of crime, they can pinpoint down to the specific areas where they need to be to be more preventative, seems like an outstanding sustainable way to really identify crime better so to address and eliminate more of all of this crime in our city. Do they use this to make decisions on staffing and sectors to beef up areas? What is the strategy the PBSO use to address crime here? is there one? Do they use this tool?

  10. They used to use decoy police vehicles they placed in certain high crime areas, but don't seem to do that anymore either? What does PBSO do with all our money we pay?

  11. From this map, it looks like PBSO needs to concentrate on every freaking street in our city, 24/7/365.

  12. Maybe you can share this with Capt. Silva, we all need to tell the police about at our NA meetings too, the police need to be on this and use this to get this crime down, this is way too high.

  13. this is shocking.

  14. 365 in one month. That makes at least, if not more, 4,380 crimes a year.
