Sunday, May 26, 2013

Thought for the day

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Leftists need conservatives but conservatives don't need Leftists.

To be blunt, they can’t let us go. We’d be happy to be rid of them, because to us they’re nothing but parasites and/or oppressors. But they can’t get rid of us because we do most of the work, pay most of the taxes, provide the stability and morality that allow their depravity to thrive with less damaging results. Furthermore, the white conservative population is the buffer protecting white liberals from the minorities.
The late American writer,  Lawrence Auster

1 comment:

  1. To the person who just tried to post here with vile personal attacks towards me, lies all of them other than I collect social security--just about every citizen does when they get to a certain age, the quote that you are so angry about was made by a college graduate plus. I did not graduate from Columbia but I am a college graduate. However, you do not have to be college educated to be smart or to agree with certain philosophies. Mr. Auster was a conservative as am I.

    Please take your anger and put it to better use--not disgustingly bringing down the government and people with whom you disagree.
