Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sierra Club's positions on Florida bills

The Sierra Club Florida ExCom  has approved the following positions which have been sent to Governor Scott.

 Sierra has requested that he sign--
  • HB 277 which eliminates property tax assessment of the value of renewable energy improvements to residential property
  • SB 1770 which contains a provision prohibiting the subsidy of construction seaward of the Coastal Construction Control Line.
Sierra has requested that he veto--
  • HB 319 which reduces local governments' options for making development pay its own way
  • SB 682 which gives blanket approval to some uses of coal ash and exempts its disposal from the prohibition on hazardous waste landfills in Florida
  • HB 999 which ratifies the Cabinet's approval of 30 year sugar leases in the Everglades Agricultural Area mooting a challenge filed by the Florida Wildlife Federation.  This provides an end run around constitutionally mandated separation of powers and effectively denies citizens meaningful access to the courts
  • SB 1808 which facilitates and advances the flawed deal between the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Add your voice by sending your comments to Governor Scott at: rick.scott@eog.myflorida.com

David Cullen

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