Saturday, May 25, 2013

S.744.IS Immigration Bill - Border Security First

As you know, the Senate’s “Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act,” passed the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday. It is a government scheme that says, legalization first, and  border security later. We already went through a similar scheme in 1986. We were supposed to have border security--never got it.

Click here... for the bill text.

The Heritage Foundation says--

In terms of public policy and government deficits, an important figure is the aggregate annual deficit for all unlawful immigrant households. This equals the total benefits and services received by all unlawful immigrant households minus the total taxes paid by those households.
  • Under current law, all unlawful immigrant households together have an aggregate annual deficit of around $54.5 billion.
  • In the interim phase (roughly the first 13 years after amnesty), the aggregate annual deficit would fall to $43.4 billion.
  • At the end of the interim phase, former unlawful immigrant households would become fully eligible for means-tested welfare and health care benefits under the Affordable Care Act. The aggregate annual deficit would soar to around $106 billion.
  • In the retirement phase, the annual aggregate deficit would be around $160 billion. It would slowly decline as former unlawful immigrants gradually expire.
Read more on the costs of illegal immigration and amnesty as compiled by The Heritage Foundation.

Now Obama wants to raise the debt ceiling. We can't even afford ourselves.  I saw one of the Gang of Eight, Marco Rubio, on TV yesterday still promoting the Bill and telling us how wonderful it all is  but he says, without border security first, the Plan will fail.


  1. Just give one good reason why we should give amnesty to criminals. Just one.

  2. The entire bill is a joke. It will never do anything, just promotes more of the same. What they need to do is STOP HUMAN TRAFFICKING FIRST. HUMAN TRAFFICKING NEEDS TO STOP AND NOT BE ALLOWED, then we would not have this. Most of the illegals do not want to have to pay taxes anyway, so will just keep working under the table anyway, plus the people employing them prefer this too, to avoid paying them all they deserve. We need to do what they do in Europe, we can do what they do there here in the Americas to have better control of all of this illegal employment and avoiding paying taxes. All people need to pay taxes and all the freebees need to stop and only be given for a short period of time of need. How can anyone have any faith in their country, that is what we need to pray for.
