Monday, May 20, 2013

Remember Amnesty 1986

From NumbersUSA

Tomorrow,  members of grassroots organizations from around the country will launch a coordinated event to send a message to their US Senators: Remember 1986!

In 1986, our government promised to secure our borders. Instead, they granted amnesty to millions of illegal aliens and never enacted real solutions to stop illegal immigration.

In Palm Beach, fellow NumbersUSA activists will be delivering the NumbersUSA petition to the offices of Senator Rubio and Senator Nelson. They will meet with staff members in the offices to discuss the major flaws in the Gang of 8's amnesty bill including the language that would allow 33 million new foreign workers to live and work in our country while 20 million people here today cannot find a full time job.

The group will start with a meeting in Sen. Nelson's office then head to Sen. Rubio's office for a press conference before sitting down with Rubio's staff. The petitions will be delivered to the following addresses on tomorrow, May 21st:

10 a.m.: Sen. Bill Nelson's West Palm Beach Office
413 Clematis Street, Suite 210, West Palm Beach, FL  33401

1 p.m.  Sen Marco Rubio's Palm Beach Gardens office
4580 PGA Blvd., Suite 201, Palm Beach Gardens, FL  33418

You are welcomed to join us and give your support.

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