Friday, May 31, 2013

Palm Beach says "Screw You" Lake Worth

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The sewer pipe work is part of the town’s $41 million, multi-year accelerated capital improvements project, focused on infrastructure replacement and upgrades.

By completing this portion of the force-main replacement, the town anticipates saving about $300,000 per year, said Public Works Director Paul Brazil. That is the approximate amount the town expected to spend annually transporting waste water through the city of Lake Worth to the regional sewage-treatment plant in West Palm Beach.

Read more... at the Palm Beach Daily News


  1. Thanks Susan.... the gift that keeps on giving.

  2. I believe that it was this city govt that gave PB the gift--$262,406 settlement to be exact.

  3. Lynn you have forgotten how they came to L.W. and begged for a settlement, and Ms.Stanton an the do nothing commission, practically told them to fuzz-off.

  4. In fact, this has come up before about some sort of settlement. Please, if you can, what meeting did this happen? I attend all of them and I don't recall this ever being brought up. I do recall them coming and threatening to sue us. Trela White, their attorney, said that all of the cities would stop paying their bills to us and consequently by that action rates would go up 30% regionally and 13% locally. they left Lake worth payers holding the bag.

  5. Lynn, your memory is faulty they actually came saying we are nieghbors we don't need to to sue each other. the C.M. and the Commission actually said there is no reason,for anymore meetings And You Were At That Meeting.

  6. Are you referring to the meeting where the commission voted (all of them including Maxwell) to pursue the government conflict Resolution act chapter 164? At that point, in August 2010, there was no point to have more meetings.

  7. Wasn't Ms. Stanton hired because she she promised we could get out of any contract using Government conflict Resolution act chapter 164. That really worked out well for us didn't it.

  8. @6:18--are you for real? Didn't think so.

  9. Why don't you ans.anonymous @ 6.18

  10. I am not the least bit compelled to answer an anonymous crank post that is totally a fabrication of your personal attack agenda other than to tell you, stay on the "bully blog" for this sort of nonsense.
