Friday, May 17, 2013

Obama lied, so says the Judge

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If you want to make a Conservative angry, tell him a lie.  If you want to make a Liberal angry, you tell 'em the truth; it works every time it's tried.

~ Rush Limbaugh


  1. If you want to make a Conservative angry, give him the facts.
    If you want to make a Liberal angry, you tell 'em a lie; and they both have plenty to be angry about!!

  2. I noticed how that's working out for ya lately. It is really tough to be in constant denial.

  3. Lynn,
    You see what you want to see...and you hear what you want to hear.
    It's the truth when you agree, it's lies when you don't.

    IMO it's the only thing the Left and the Right have in common!!

  4. Does that only pertain to conservatives?

  5. If you consider the Right as Conservatives, it pertains to Conservatives.
    If you consider the Left as Liberals, it also pertains to Liberals.
