Thursday, May 16, 2013

Lake Worth CRA wants to turn shuffleboard court building into an Arts Center

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The CRA has its hands into everything "affordable" and it certainly is amazing that it now wants to get its hands on our shuffleboard court building. They don't own this building and they don't maintain it.  Presently, the shuffleboard court building houses our Recreation Department. The CRA owns a building on Lake Avenue. What about that one?

It is annoying that this building was once turned over to illegal aliens who trashed our building and stomped on our hospitality all at the expense of the seniors who used the building and were kicked out on their ear. Now the CRA wants to kick out one of our important departments (that has no place to go?) for arts!

The shuffleboard building just west of city hall, former home to a day-labor center, could become an art center where artists would teach classes and display their work.

The city’s Community Redevelopment Agency board agreed Tuesday to apply to the state for a $300,000 cultural facilities grant that would be used to renovate the building


This is another one of their MATCHING GRANTS schemes and the CRA says it will give $37,500. I guess the taxpayers pick up the rest with City Manager Bornstein planning on soliciting for proposals to renovate a city-owned warehouse at 1105 Second Ave. S. to create another art we can't have too many. What gives?  I guess that budget balance is burning a hole.


  1. Why can't the CRA pay to SPONSOR art classes, taught by the artist through the REC dept. Why is it all or nothing around here instead of cooperation to improve our City. The Rec Dept is the most visibally function Dept's in this City. Kudos to the employees who do so much with so little.

  2. This is all about applying for grants and then strategizing where the money will fit. They need to clean up the slum and blight first. It's amazing that the feds still have money to give. Ooops, forgot--they borrow it from China.

  3. Why don't they get a grant for recreation and use it on the courts? New priorities now, poor artists. Did any of those Lofts sell yet?

  4. Is this the same CRA/Commission workshop that is listed as cancelled on the city website?
    Was it broadcast?
    The CRA is not very good at posting minutes, there are none for any meeting and there are no audios posted for any meetings after 2011.

  5. how does the CRA borrow money from china? do they also employ illeagles? someone must stop them from doing these things.

  6. Gosh, anonymous at 1:14-- no wonder we are in so much trouble. LOL

  7. Can the cra really do that? I partly blame them for the city looking like a dump
