Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Lake Worth Centennial Postcards

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LULA Lake Worth Arts and the City of Lake Worth’s Historic Preservation staff invited artists in Palm Beach County to submit artwork for the Centennial Postcard Project. Known as a community that embraces artistic expression the City of Lake Worth is celebrating its 100 anniversary this year. The goal of this project was to provide a Centennial keepsake for the community to purchase while promoting the arts and historic preservation in Lake Worth. Proceeds from the sale of the Centennial Postcards will benefit LULA Lake Worth Arts and the City’s Historic Preservation Program. Five works of art were selected for the postcard project, making the selection process competitive.
  • Photographer Jim Stafford of Lake Worth’s photos titled “Casino Building” and “Street Painting Festival” were chosen as part of the photography category.
  • Artist Shannon S. Torrence of Lake Worth submitted an acrylic on paper painting titled“Now & Then, Where the Tropics Begin” as part of the vintage category.
  • Wellington artist, Corinne Ingerman’s watercolor, pen and ink painting titled “3 girls onthe beach” represented the visual arts painting category.
  • Lake Worth’s John Vincent Palozzi’s submitted a digitally enhanced photo of City Hallunder the graphic and digital category that showcased the architecture in Lake Worth.
The artists are credited on the back of their selected postcard including a small bio. The selection panel consisted of art professionals Tara Maule, President of the Lake Worth Art League, the City of Lake Worth’s Mayor, Pam Triolo, and Historian, Mark Easton, of the Lake Worth Herald. The panelists reviewed the submitted images and selected the qualified artists based on credentials and artistic design. The postcards will be sold in a package of 5 for $5.00 and will be available at the Cultural Council of Palm Beach County’s gift boutique, Lake Worth CRA, Clay Glass Metal Stone Gallery on J Street and Studio 205 on Lake Avenue.

My favorite? The sunset, of course.


  1. Beautiful cards, great value. Very nice !

  2. Revenue and jobs generating potential of the 1921 Palm Beach Island Lake Worth 1921 Mediterranean style Lake Worth Casino, recreated before the present Triolo Commission,
    is proven by its businesses development, created jobs.

    The 10 year battle for its recreation paid off for all Citizens, who have one elegant building that they can be proud of.

    The beautiful,graceful L.W.Casino postcards, further prove the point. Thank you Stafford for immortalizing Lake Worth's 1921 Casino with a souvenir post card, bringing revenue to its' sellers, and printers! You rightfully observed its' significance which 5 Commissions failed to see until MBA ed.Commission member Suzanne Mulvehill,our spokes lady and fellow promoter.Thank you again Suzanne!

    God speed your journey through life. We are the only ones who created jobs and revenue. The Joan Oliva CRA is undoing it with its low-income housing forced upon Lake Worth, to drag down the Tax base and create future dangerous slums!

  3. Mark Easton a judge? He can't even get his thought process straight. No comprendo marko.
