Friday, May 31, 2013

HB 609 and computer cyber-bulling

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HB 609 was passed yesterday by Governor Rick Scott. This has to do with bullying in the public school system--

General Bill   by Education Committee and K-12 Subcommittee and Fullwood and Campbell (CO-SPONSORS) Adkins; Cruz; Dudley; Fasano; Harrell; Pafford; Zimmermann
Bullying in the Public School System: Prohibits bullying or harassment with respect to computer-related activities; provides that bullying includes cyberbullying; revises components of school district policy on bullying & harassment.
Effective Date: July 1, 2013
It is too bad that this bill does not include cyber-bullying in general. We get plenty of that right here in Lake Worth. Some members of the majority on the dais participate in their own way with bullying by leaning back in their chair with eyes closed, smirking, grinning and at times, condescending remarks and attitudes towards Commissioner McVoy. One citizen is allowed to gesture and/or negatively chatter incessantly from her pew while the dais smiles. One Lake Worth blog in particular allows, participates and writes blogs for the main purpose to harass, ridicule and cyber bully. Former commissioner Suzanne Mulvehill is a main subject. Maybe some who cyber bully need to re-enter grades K-12.

Bill Action


  1. Good idea, Lynn. At least if they went back to kindergarten there would now be a laws against this sort of behavior.

  2. I agree with you Lynn, this bullying is wrong. And yes, that other guy with the LW blog is horrible, I do not look at that anymore. Lost all respect. He was horrible to poor Suzanne M. his attacks were horrible on his website, Suzanne should have sued him. He wouldn't even publish have of what you would write if it went against what you believed, very one sided. Too bad a blog that won blog of the year went from that to one no one respects anymore. Glad he couldn't get in as a comm. imagine how he is with his blog up on the dias? His bullying needs to stop, I agree with you Lynn, he is not very nice to you or your blog either, how does he think the people of LW can respect him? He is a big bully, was one during his campaign too, very negative and hateful.

  3. He sets me up for ridicule on at least a weekly basis...whatever floats his boat.

    I am happy to report that Suzanne is doing great...happy to be living a worthwhile life away from all the snide and hateful personal attacks. She was the best and is a thoroughly good person. She never knew how hateful Lake Worth politics was. It is no wonder that fine people don't run. Can you blame them? You set yourself up for public assassination, not debate on your record or ideas.

  4. Seldom do I go to any other blog. It is depressing when you get a handful of outrageously hurtful bully attacks hurled through cyber space by the biggest bully of all. It is shameful to try and get a blog following by these methods. Very sad.

  5. It's always been that way on that blog. He is friends with Jim Staford the top bully of all. they went to the same cyber bullying schools together. What more can you expect?

  6. You most certainly can disagree with someone's opinion but it is best to focus your attention on the content of the claim and not on who made the claim. It is the content that determines the truth, not the characteristics of the person making it. Even socialists can have validity in what they say. Substituting abusive language and personal attacks such as one person does towards me when they say "I live in a concrete box" as some sort of evidence that I am an imposter, is fallacious. Making little videos of people to ridicule them is mean and meaningless and makes the maker look uncredible.

  7. You post Dees rants and defend it by saying free speech. Some of hers are insane. Then you say she makes sense when necessary. What?

  8. Even socialists can have validity in what they say.

    Look, even the biggest bully in the world can make a sensible statement or see beyond their nose from time to time. Any statement made on a public figure is free game for the most part. It should be truthful and not personal attacks. To me, there is no fine line in what a personal attack is. You can make it what you want. I can tell you this, 90% of Dee's comments do not make it on this blog.
