Wednesday, May 29, 2013

FL Sen Jeff Clemens still supports Red-Light Cameras

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Jeff Clemens, former mayor of Lake Worth, supported red-light cameras while he was in office and apparently nothing has changed other than it has become lucrative for him to do so, according to Media Trackers. He is now our State Senator and still champions the controversial red light cameras and shorter yellow lights at intersections. (Let's get those suckers!)  Clemens appeared on a WTSP-TV news segment reporting on the shorter yellow lights.

Clemens, who receives campaign contributions from the company that manufactures red light cameras and receives a percentage of each motorist fine resulting from red light cameras, defended the shorter yellow lights.

Clemens claimed shorter yellow lights do not result in more red light violations. He should know. Media Trackers Florida says he is a chronic traffic offender himself racking up ticket after ticket.


  1. I am only alive today because the person who "ran a red light" hit my passenger side, and not the driver's side. These cameras were installed as a hinderance to running red lights and decreasing accidents and potential loss of life. Most people don't respond unless you "hit" them i their pockets.

  2. Much of what you say is true. When I was 20 years old, I got a ticket for running a YELLOW LIGHT. It cost me about $10 but I have remembered it my entire life and have NEVER run another yellow light. Now with the red-light cameras and municipalities shortening the time to get throguh an intersection so that they can collect the revenue, it's best to never go through one.

  3. How does clemens get away with receiving kick-backs? Explain this Jeff and what that tracking blog said.

  4. Someone from Lake Worth needs to run against Clemens.

    He is a cookie cutter vote in place of that beefy slob Brandenberg. He was on the financial committee that wanted to use the funds of the entire state of Florida to give to Ric Bradshaw, one of the most crooked sheriffs today, to spy on West Palm Beachers.

    If someone would run against him there would be a lot of help.

    And while it is true that running red lights are bad, if you get a ticket from one of these machines you simply go down to court and plead for yourself, that no law enforcement officer is here to plead their case. You will get the charges dismissed because the judges realize that this is improper law enforcement. You must be faced with your accuser in court. A lot of studies on the internet show these are simply "revenue collectors" and do not improve safety.

    But then others just pay. That's what this is all about. That percentage that pay without question. And we should not be using or depending upon revenue improperly collected.

    But don't bring a lawyer.


  5. In Palm Beach County, if you plead Not Guilty for a Red Light Camera violation it will be dismissed! Last summer on a rainy night heading east on Lake Worth Road and crossing the wide span of Congress Avenue (20 plus lanes) I ran a red light and the camera went off. The bright flash of light was frightening as I did not know what it was and I thought something was wrong with the car. I had to go to court twice – once to enter a plea and a future date to be fined. Awaiting my name to be called at court, the presiding judge stated “Anyone who pleaded not guilty, form a line to the left and see the clerk. Your case is dismissed.” I did not even get the chance to explain the reasons for my plea! I had the list of counties that ended their Red Light Camera program, the list of cases showing the timing was ‘speeded up’ and incidents where an accident was caused because a driver tried to beat the red light. I was not able to speak to the judge but upon leaving I asked the guard why all of the not guilty pleas were dismissed. He told me they always are because the companies to give more tickets shorten the camera timing and it is considered an invasion of privacy. True story

  6. Here's a simple truth. Don't run a red light and you wont get a ticket.
