Friday, May 17, 2013

Crime down? Costs up

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Big news today with a front page headliner at the Palm Beach Post--crime is down in Palm Beach County for 2012. Who puts out the stats? The Sheriff's Department. Of course, the stats are announced right after Ric Bradshaw asks for a budget increase. At the beginning of May, Sheriff Bradshaw asked for an 8% increase or $40 million more for raises and equipment to his already half billion dollar budget. He says if he doesn't get the raise, our quality of life might be impacted.

With a 10% increase in burglaries with criminals more brazen than ever by hitting homes in the middle of the day, and a 12% increase in rapes, do you feel safer?  If you live in Lake Worth, it's party time--watch out gals...your chances of being raped are 1 in 1,000 people. If you consider that one half of that figure are men, then the odds are even greater.

As reported previously, there were 10 burglaries just this past month alone in Lake Osborne Heights.   Palm Springs, our direct neighbor, had an increase in most crimes. The startling thing was that it was said that a lot of these criminals were coming from the Lake Worth Road corridor. Next we will find Palm Springs road blocking off their neighborhoods like Lantana did on Ridge Road to stop the criminal element from Lake Worth entering their city. I would like to see all of the stats on our city.

Public safety takes the biggest chunk of our operating revenues. It is estimated at 70.09% for 2014. We are told that these are non-controllable costs. Are they non-negotiable too?


  1. Someone said that he liked the sheriff at all costs. What if they took the entire budget? Then what?
    FREAKING *&^(%$#

  2. crime is down--no it is not

  3. They need competition!
    Crime is a money maker!
    Ask about where the Bite Book went?

  4. We keep hearing of so many new burglaries and robberies lately, you see so many prostitutes all over this city and so many drug dealers selling on the street corners, what is PBSO doing about all of this? It seems like we reached a low and crime is increasing and going back up again, look at the police reports for the past few months, so many break-ins and thefts, the PBSO should and can do more, why aren't they, where are they? They need a stronger presences in this city. They need to prevent crimes and enforce laws better, they need to be present more. If they want respect, they need to earn it by being more present and prevent more and address all the issues we face here better.
