Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Community Meeting tonight in Lake Worth

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Tonight is the District 2 meeting at the Shuffleboard Courts on the Comprehensive Plan amendments. It begins at 6pm. Districts 1 and 3 have already had their community meetings on this subject. District 4 will meet at the Cultural Council on May 30 at 6pm.

If you can't attend, Click here for the presentation.

1 comment:

  1. Yep -
    My idea is live work learn play!
    The UN tells me and all my employees it's my idea so it must be my idea, no? I see the words community input but Human Capital is a term I am disgusted by - what are we chattel???
    OPM - Other People's Money and enterprise zones - Note Riviera beach and Bell Glade are enterprise zones too - they are bottom of the pile - so of course we want to take the same path - Grant $$ will dry up if we get better - so tell me again why we would get better if our BEGGING FUND would disappear?

    Our Debt - Near 17 Trillion
    ...and growing...
