Nexen Oil rig in Gulf
What do you think of when you think of China? Lots of people? Coolie wages? A China doll? China is the world's second largest economy with growth rates of 10% a year over the past 30 years. What's going on with China? And what's going on with the United States when it comes to them? They export 2.021 trillion dollars of goods every year and the U.S. is the main export for them. They are the largest foreign holder of U.S. debt which owns more about $1.2 trillion in bills, notes and bonds, according to the Treasury. It has to make you wonder and perhaps it should make you worry.
Obama decided to allow China, a country with over 1.35 billion people and the 2nd largest country by land area, to take over strategic drilling interests in the Gulf of Mexico in a move that will bring riches to several of the president’s financial supporters, according to claims made in a lawsuit. Read more... about it at Judicial Watch. Obama's top bundlers, you know, that dreaded 1% he is so phony about, will make a fortune on this deal. China has been buying up oversees rivals since 2009 and has spent 92 billion buying already discovered reserves and even entire groups such as Canada’s Nexen.
According to The New York Times who quoted the International Energy Agency, the United States will overtake Saudi Arabia as the world’s leading oil producer by about 2017 and will become a net oil exporter by 2030.
Per CNN, and its article, Is China our new Enemy, "without a major public debate of the kind we have about raising taxes, or a congressional vote, the U.S. government is moving slowly but surely toward characterizing China as an aggressive superpower and is preparing for war, should it become necessary."
Because of an exchange rate that is partially set to be always priced lower than the dollar, last year the U.S. trade deficit with China was $315 billion, higher than any previous year. Donald Trump is always alerting us to this and "libs" aren't listening.
It seems that we are allowing China to build up their economy at our expense. Why? American innovation has always been part of our DNA but even China is stealing our technology and hacking into our systems. We used to be number one in innovation but we are losing ground. China is taking the lead and it is predicted that they will be ahead in two to four years.
Unbreakable and we're helping them right along.
Obama doesn't seem to be the least bit concerned about antyhing other than spending money and giving it all away to anhyone who wants it.