Monday, May 20, 2013

Bradshaw program flashback from Nazi Germany?

Comment Up - Originally published on 5-2-13
UPDATE:  Gov Scott vetoes Ric Bradshaw request See page 25 last para

If Rick Scott ever needed to veto anything in his entire life, this is it.

A new $1 million dollar program led by Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw aimed at “violence prevention” is encouraging Floridians to report their neighbors for making hateful comments about the government, a chilling reminder of how dissent is being characterized as an extremist threat.

“We want people to call us if the guy down the street says he hates the government, hates the mayor and he’s gonna shoot him,” Bradshaw said. “What does it hurt to have somebody knock on a door and ask, ‘Hey, is everything OK?’”

What the hell is going on in this country? I didn't vote for Bradshaw. I guess he will be knocking on my door. Go out and catch the criminals, will ya!

Here in Lake Worth, free speech is already becoming a memory and it is politically incorrect to talk against any elected official or on the decisions they make. Any person threatening bodily harm to another should  be taken seriously but our Constitutional rights could and most likely will be infringed based on a "he said, she said."

This policy, if enacted, will be a civil rights lawyer's dream. What comes next?  Freedom of the Press?


  1. Your freedom is slipping awayMay 2, 2013 at 10:34 AM

    "There are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpation.” James Madison

    CALL GOV. RICK SCOTT - (850) 488-7146 Or write to: Governor Rick Scott State of Florida The Capitol 400 S. Monroe St. Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001

  2. Bradshaw quote now on Drudge report--

  3. I'd like to find out how many people, if any, have been arrested or questioned so far. I know its happening to vets all across the country with some being detained for months in mental wards. One guy (vet) was playing a end of the world-type game online with his siblings and was detained for 3 days. Lots of them have had their guns confiscated for being "depressed" or seeking help for PTSD or other ridiculous reasons.

    I didn't think Bradshaw would do this but apparently he's joining the Nazis.

    I guess everyone in Lake Worth is suspect. And our websites.

  4. My friend had to file an internal affairs complaint last month because a PBSO deputy freaked out when she took his picture and forced her to delete it from her camera after conducting an illegal search. Last week, I saw PBSO deputies drag a drunk guy through an alley and forcibly take him away. They told him he wasn't under arrest, but couldn't go his own way. PBSO is completely out of control, violating constitutional rights of citizens every day. We need a new sheriff, PBSO needs a management clean-out and all deputies need extensive training. They do not know the law.

  5. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. We need a new sheriff in Palm Beach County, and there needs to be a way to hold him (or her!) accountable. One way would be for the sheriff to come before every town served at least once a year and address concerns and answer questions from elected officials AND residents.

  6. Jesus! Would anybody out there NOT be intimidated if one of Bradshaw's "shoot first, ask questions later" gang of thugs banged on their door?!? What is the criteria to send Bradshaw's hair-trigger crew to someone's door?

  7. I seldom see a sheriff vehicle around this city. they com4e hours after you have called in a report sometimes. How much money do we pay them?

  8. The only time you see a sheriff's deputy on foot patrol in Lake Worth is when that one heavy-set deputy is walking up to get his iced mocha latte at Starbucks. Otherwise, these guys aren't around. Never at Bryant Park on a weekend when groups of 100 come and trash the place, never downtown on a Friday night when there's a big crowd that includes families and drunk people and felons. Aren't we paying like $14 million a year for protection? What a waste of good money.

  9. Now featured on

  10. Its time to get rid of Rick Bradshaw and OTHERS.

    JEFF CLEMENS was on the committee that approved this money. I tried to call his office and he is AWOL.

    I'd like the complete list of who voted for this so they can be voted out of office.

    Rick Bradshaw is disgusting.

    This is up on Drudge now and transmitting to 5 million people with comment from Alex on

    By tonight this should be viral. There is no support for this as far as I can see.

    And, I was worried when I saw the crime statistics in Lake Worth for PRE-CRIME. Apparently there have been many of these kind of arrests.

    He is a man out of control with power.

  11. Jeff Needs To Go. How dare he be a party to this being from Lake Worth, if that is the case?

    Its downright illegal and he has no judgment as we always thought. We need the names of all these who voted to come out.

    Jeff Clemens:
    District Office:

    508 Lake Avenue
    Unit C
    Lake Worth, FL 33460
    (561) 540-1140
    Senate VOIP: 42700
    FAX (561) 540-1143
    Legislative Assistants:

    Evelyn DuPlecy, Chauncey Graham and Beth Hartnett-Murphy

  12. "Am I under arrest officer
    or am I free to go?"

    Say out loud, "I do NOT Consent
    to ANY Searches or Seizures!" if they attempt to search you or your stuff w/out a search warrant.

    You do not have to open your door unless they have a search warrant.

    Our City Reps too should be contacted and told to set this guy straight!

    Put the radar gun down and go solve crime! Stop taking tanks and toys that belong on the battle field and NOT in OUR Free Country! Get the log out of your own eye before you come for the splinter in mine!

    Time to REQUIRE EVERY REP to
    PASS the Citizenship Test! Just how do these addicts think we got to nearly 17 TRILLION Dollars in Debt???

    Grant - Grant - Grant!

    Now can we fly the Gadsden Flag on the City Flag Pole please???

  13. In reply to the above, referencing the incident I witnessed last week: The bum tried to walk away, and the deputy said: "Where do you think you're going?" Three deputies "guided" him back to await Palm Beach County Fire Rescue. They told him he wasn't under arrest, they were taking him to the hospital. For treatment for having had some beers. And...during the illegal search incident, I was threatened with arrest in front of my child if I didn't consent. It was a scary situation. It's very hard to stand up to someone who is threatening to take you away in handcuffs and put you in jail for no reason.

  14. Hannity started talking about this on his radio show just a few minutes ago. He said,
    "I don't trust the government. Does that mean that sheriff Bradshaw will be knocking on my door?"

  15. Rick Scott Vetoed the Bradshaw Project! See the following ling Page 25 at the end of the page.

  16. Yes Lynn sounds Nazi like almost. I agree with you. WE should be able to speak freely if we do not agree with our elected officials and leaders, especially if they are not doing a good job. I think many Americans who pay taxes and work hard are disappointed with our government right now and law enforcement too. Our leaders and law enforcement are ineffective and are not doing the job bottom line! Look at the debt and bad policy, all the waste and lawlessness here. Our law enforcement is not enforcing laws. Our very own PBSO hide out in the parks, beach or golf course to avoid the hood and all the crime and problems, they should instead have substation placed in front of 1300 Lake or 1400 Lucerne to clean these areas up, they are never around and it is a lawless crazy area, drunks, open container, whores, public urination, etc etc, it is out of control and the police are not there being present preventing all the problems we have. They lack presence in our city in the bad areas, hiding and "avoiding the problems" as it is easier. How can we respect the police or city leaders when they do not enforce codes or clean up the city and blight? I agree with Hannity "I don't trust the government. Does that mean that sheriff Bradshaw will be knocking on my door?" I feel the same, they have proven to be ineffective and incompetent, not protecting us and keeping us safe nor keeping this city, clean, safe, or orderly. Lynn, walk down Lake Ave between the 1100-1400 blocks any night of the week, see how safe you feel, see the lawlessness and craziness in this area, no police to control it until they are called to pick up someone who was stabbed or got in a fight. We deserve better, we deserve to speak out mind and express how we feel, we do not have competent leaders running our city, doing the job effectively. I can understand if you hear a neighbor talk about wanting to commit a terrorist type of act, but many Americans are fed up with our government and law enforcement, because they are not effective nor doing their jobs, if they were we would not have all this human trafficking, illegal employment, and lawlessness with the illegals.

  17. Clemens was horrible as mayor and is horrible in his other state roles, he doesn't care about anyone but his own pocket, it is all about money and power. He didn't care about that poor lady that moved to PSL after loosing her two children to gang violence here in Lake Worth either. Very sad and ineffective man and politician, he needs are prayers badly, real bad. Even he knows that.
