Friday, May 10, 2013

ABC News has obtained 12 revisions to government's Benghazi talking points

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Click here... to see the ABC video and the report about the revisions of the government's  talking points that included scrubbing all references to an Al Qaeda-affiliated group and all references to previous CIA warnings about a terror threat.


  1. Is there ANY news media that you DO agree with, anonymous? Al Jazeera? Pravda? Communist World News?

  2. Let us all remember that $70 Million was spent by Obama Adm to produce and play to Muslims overseas an apology from Americans ref the ridiculous video that was blamed for our Americans that were murdered in Benghazi!!!!!!!!cases

  3. Lynn,
    You have always railed against the lame stream media. Why do you now tout ABC news? FOX news is the only one that tells the truth.

  4. I was just waiting for one of you FOX news haters to comment. It took longer than I anticipated. I wanted to prove that I was fair and balanced when it came to this subject. It is true, however, that FOX has taken the lead and that is why they are number one.

  5. Fox news is the only news I watch...why would you call me a FOX news hater?
    I misunderstood your tout of ABC news.
    Though I would not cite them only when they are in agreement with my views.

  6. It's good to spread the recognition around when one can, anonymous. It's rare but it happens that other media do report the facts and the truth but FOX is always first.

    Sorry. I misunderstood your comment on FOX News. I usually get the haters on this blog.
