Thursday, April 11, 2013

Yesterday at the Lake Worth Beach

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The Traffic Division has now hired three more part-time employees.  All three were up at the upper level parking lot helping folks at the pay stations...they are in training.  The City wrote ten tickets on Tuesday in the resident decal parking area. Not enough, but a start.


  1. parked my car in a spot and asked the older man with the big hat if my decal was still good in any spot and he told me it is still good but may 1st they will not let you park anywhere anymore but the north side decal area. the price went up to $31 this year and spots 1-59 at any parking meter will not take your money or payment, the city set the handicap and decal parking spot numbers to say invalid parking space. so free parking if you have a handicap- anywhere but youll get a ticket if you park in the decal area. so if you try to pay...and cant ...move it or lose it bub!

  2. Thanks for posting that.
    The city is trying hard not to come down too severely on people even though there are 5,000 signs telling them where they can park. Handicap parking spaces are in the upper and lower areas...they still have to pay I believe.

  3. A BMW owner not paying for parking. that's always the way, isn't it? He's probably the one who left the beer bottle in the first photo.

  4. Lynn, thanks for putting the resident decal parking issue on the cities radar.

  5. I think its going to take a time for the parking to shake out. This is a new system, different resident spaces, new payment system, etc. I'd like the City to maybe be handing out warnings first before tickets because we want visitors to come and enjoy but also follow rules.

  6. Interesting to see how many out of state and out of country (Quebec and Ontario) cars have resident decals. Sorry, this just does not seem right.

  7. I do have a resident decal and I have also seen a number of cars in that area without decals. However, I also see those resident sections are almost completely empty, so who the hell cares. Why are you so obsessed with "busting" everyone for everything. You must have been the kindergarten tattle tale? Get over it and mind your own business.

  8. Well, Mr. Nasty--I believe in rules. I believe that people should not take advantage of others...that they should pay their fair share. Sounds to me that you are inflicted with the bully syndrome, not I.

    This is all our business and one of the reasons why LW is in the shape it is in--people not following our rules and they have allowed our city to go to slum and blight.

    Of course, you really just came over to slam my azz. Go back to bed and get up on the other side.
