Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tonight's Commission Meeting

On tonight's commission agenda is La Joya Village, (meaning jewel, gem pearl, treasure)  the 55 unit rental complex promoted by the CRA as the greatest thing since sliced bread, that will be built on the railroad tracks at S. F street and 6th Avenue South for poor folks, not like we don't have enough of them.

The project site has a Future Land Use Designation of Mixed Use East, which allows a density of 30 dwelling units per acre. The base density of the Gateway District is 20 dwelling units per acre. Municipal Code gives the City Commission the authority to grant a density bonus of up to 10 dwelling units per acre for projects which incorporate affordable housing units. Now, who would have thought that the P&Z would not recommend this and who would even consider that the city commission will deny it?

And where there is an egregious situation that is devastating to Lake Worth, up pops a silver lining. The city had borrowed $5.1 million to build a master lift station in Bryant Park. We will now pay off the balance of that debt from the Regional Sewer Fund fiasco and use the $3.9 million, saving Lake Worth $200,000 in interest payments through 2016 when the note was due. I guess this includes the re-financing fee. Also, the reduction in cost will allow for local sewer rates to be reduced by 10%-- for example--reducing the residential base rate from $4.21 to $3.789 and the volume rate from $0.393 to$0.354 per 100 gallons up to a maximum of 12,000 gallons.

Under New business E will be a political discussion on Commission Szerdi's request regarding the preparation of a height restriction ordinance which would be consistent with the City’s Land Development Regulations.

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