Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Red and Black of it

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Finance Director, Steven Carr, offered his first Power Point presentation last night on the 2014 Budget.

Explaining the hierarchy, he compared it to an organizational chart using General Motors Corporation as his example. There is a Board of Directors (the city Commission), Chairman of the board (our Mayor) and department heads who report up the chain with the commission overseeing all that happens and directing the CEO, (city manager) to implement their policies. The basic difference is that a corporation maximizes profits delivering value to its shareholders whereas a city government generates revenue to pay its bills to operate the city and to come out even in revenue and expenses.

One thing of interest in the organizational chart was, the Residents used to be at the top of the Chart...now it is side by side with the Commission.  We used to be the boss. We have learned over the last year that the residents have less and less of a voice and this commission has shown its contempt for some who have spoken before them.

This commission has given away some of its control as the city manager now can spend $25,000 or under without asking the commissions' permission. The sum used to be $15,000 until just a few months ago.  I have always been against this new policy.

As this budget is a living document" (it changes when necessary), I have to wonder about all the expensive items that are thrown on the Consent Agenda with absolutely NO discussion. Just because they might be budgeted does not necessarily mean that they are still relevant. Years ago we got into a lot of trouble with a few city managers spending like there was no tomorrow. It has taken us since the 2010 Budget in which Susan Stanton was a part, to start turning this city around and be in the Black.

In 2013 and now predicted for 2014, the city has once again spent and will be spending more than it will generate in revenues with ad valorem staying flat. This is in spite of the fact that it was  recommended to delay paying the principal on the casino loan this year in the amount of $500,000 that we borrowed from ourselves. We have a good reserve starting but I thought our goal was not to spend more than we make. A corporation like GE would not survive with that mindset overseen by their Board of Directors.


  1. Lynn, I guess this just proves That what you CARE about does not interest this Commission or the rest of the CITY.. So end your blog and hide out at home....

  2. Commissions change.
    What I especially don't care about are BIG MOUTHS such as yourself. Stay home from the commission meetings and run your mouth to someone who might care. Take your sick little personality to a doctor!!

  3. anony at 9-44, you are a sick little SOB. Why do you read this b log if you don't care? Take the advice go to a doctor.

  4. The BIGGEST big mouth who comes to commission meetings is that woman on the historical board who always sits on the front row and runs her mouth. Is that who you are talking about? You know, the one who formed the Friends PAC with Greg Rice and who lied like a whore in heat during the election, that one? Please confirm.

  5. Start naming some names of those in town who have been foreclosed upon who might run for election. To be perfectly honest, I don't know of anyone who fits your description.

  6. At least the big mouth won't be running again.

  7. Is that Mr. Mcnaughty in the photo? How is that dog?

  8. The citizens need to be at the top of the chart. Without us, there is no chart. Katie Mcgiveron

  9. That is a little cutie, but it's not Naughty. Naughty is just fine, and living up to his name. He is one macho little Chihuahua!

  10. Your article was well written and true. What kind of financial condition are we in when we defer our first, yes first casino payment. How many times do you think it will be deferred in the next ten years, as there is no mandate saying it has to be paid. This city desperately needs revenue sources. Two or three Hotels would certainly have helped. I am not going to go into some long story about four or six story just for a variety of reasons four story will not work. The square footage of the available parcels will not support a four story hotel and ground parking. Too bad the factions in this city are killing it.

  11. Well, thanks for supporting something I have written. What about underground parking?

  12. Why did four stories work in Delray but won't work here on a parcel more than 50% larger?

  13. Which parcel in Lake Worth are you referring to?

  14. "The square footage of the available parcels will not support a four story hotel and ground parking."

    The statement made above is false.
    My question is directed to the anonymous person who posted this. This person implies that he/she knows the square footage of the available parcels. So do I. The square footage of the available parcels can be confirmed at the Property Appraiser's website. The square footage of the Hyatt Hotel in Delray can be confirmed the same way. Do the math.
