Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Hope and Change of Hitler

Comment Up

WND author Ray Comfort, whose “Hitler, God and the Bible” addresses the religious standards and failings of Hitler points out Hitler also devised a master strategy to crush all Christian churches.

In a special Christian Broadcasting Network program, Comfort cites the head of Hitler Youth, Boldur von Schirach, who said, “Destruction of Christianity was explicitly recognized as a purpose of the National Socialist Movement.”

Show host Gordon Robertson explains that Germany’s economy and political quagmire after World War I left the people hoping for a savior. Along came Hitler, preaching a message of hope and change, restoring the glory, loving neighbors and taking a stand against violence.

Read the rest of the article on how Christians were the next targeted group by Adolph Hitler in his hope and change platform.


  1. Why are folks like yourself so afraid to come out and say exactly what you believe? Is it easier (and safer) just to post the words and let everyone wonder whether you're really that...well...let's just say "radical?"

    If you think that Obama is like Hitler and is going to round up Christians, just say it.

  2. Why are folks like yourself so stupidly "radical?"

    What is happening in this country is a break from the church and its teachings all for the goal of socialism in America with Obama being the biggest cheerleader. How's that? Strong enough for ya?

  3. There's a huge difference between what you posted and the comment above which can actually be intelligently debated, Lynn.

    And I never called you "stupidly radical." Comparing Obama to Hitler and intimating that he is going to round up Christians is "stupidly radical" but I'm trying to figure out if you actually subscribe to those beliefs or is this just one of those things you throw out there to piss off the other side.

  4. Obama, a muslim, is making the church irrelevant. You don't think so, Dez?

  5. I truly believe that most people could figure out the essence of the blog. Sorry that you couldn't figure that out anonymous Dez unless it was specifically spelled out for you.

  6. And Obama's going to confiscate our 401K's and Bush kept us safe. No, I get "the essence," Lynn, and of entertainers like you. I was just asking straight up what I thought was a fairly simple question: Do you actually believe what you're posting? And like the other entertainers from the hard right, you can't or won't answer it. [Save your breath, I're a reformed Democrat, now Independent, who just happens to mimic Glenn Beck.]

    BTW, like that Socrates quote in the right sidebar. Perfect, you know.

    :) :) :)

  7. I don't like Obama and I make NO qualms about that. Bush is a saint next to him. I like Glenn Beck too! Now, as far as the Socrates quote, all you have to do is turn on the TV or read a newspaper to see that we, as a country, are going down the tubes. It's not the debate that is lost, it is the ENTIRE FREAKING COUNTRY. You aren't living in a vacuum, are ya?????? As far as being a "reformed" Democrat, Obama and all those he hung with, allowed me to see the light.

  8. "Going down the tubes" is usually a term used by those conservatives who enjoy alienating virtually every segment in society except rich, white, and older America. It isn't finding traction these days despite posts like this one.

    Here's some breaking news for you, Lynn: your beloved Allen West lost because he hated and distorted too much. Mitt Romney lost because when you cast aside huge swaths (or at least 47%) of this country, they remember.

    America is changing. Blacks no longer drink from separate fountains. Women vote and work. Gays no longer stay in the closet. Hispanics are becoming a larger part of the diverse American population.

    Until the Republican Party wakes up to that fact and figures out a way to accept these changes, Rush, Glenn, Sean, Ann Allen West and you, will continue to drive away potential Republican votes and help Democrats.

    Thank you, by the way.

  9. Thanks. I love the socialist viewpoint. It makes my day.

  10. Don't you love it when someone says....OUR country is going down the tubes.....not HIS/HER country.....or THEIR country.....but OUR country.

    Who are WE? if OUR President is not OURS....then who's is it?

    Why us versus them? WE ARE ALL AMERICANS....with different points of view....aren't WE?

    Can someone explain, please.

    A simple American.

  11. It is OUR country and it is OUR president and thank God (he hasn't taken that away from us as yet) we still have the freedom of speech to say what we believe and try and make OUR country better and to bring awareness to the decisions that are being made. You like socialism? Well, most of us do NOT. It has never worked and it never will as our debt grows to unfathomable levels of unsusainability and we slide further and further into Third World status.

  12. I'm amazed you posted the comments from "Dez".
    I beg to differ that most do NOT like socialism. You'd be hard pressed to find many people receiving Social Security and Medicare to condemn it because its socialism.

  13. Thanks for the same old tired and inaccurate argument...from a Socialigt I presume?
